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AFL Issues dictate to fans: Judge Goodes on his skin colour, not his actions

Football commentator Gerard Whateley has branded the booing of Adam Goodes as 'shameful', and said that he fears Goodes could be "booed into retirement." According to the ABC, this follows the constant booing of Goodes...

Julia Gillard misogyny speech tea towel finally here!

And here it is at last, the limited edition, Julia Gillard misogyny speech tea towel, containing the full text of the (in)famous speech.  No more bored housewife in the home that has one. The wives...

Militant Unionists are the real disgrace

The Labor Party. The only place in Australia, outside a Royal Commission or Fair Work hearing, where militant unionists command attention. Martin Ferguson has been, and is, a voice of reason in the labour movement,...

Obama urges gay rights, ignores murder and discrimination against Christians

President Barack Obama has taken the opportunity while on a visit to his ancestral home of Kenya to urge the nation to progress on the matter of gays rights. President Uhuru Kenyatta, Obama's Kenyan counterpart...

Ideological football

“The AFL (and Carlton) have a huge problem. Ninety nine thousand people at the 'G watch Real Madrid beat Man City. Just 26,000 at Etihad see Hawks flog Blues.” So tweeted 3AW radio commentator Tom...

I love Linux: She’s Smart, Sleek & Teaching Your Kids

My journey with Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) was a combination of fascination, pragmatism, – and conviction. Today, there are still many computer users who are not familiar with the term FOSS but...

The collapse of global poverty

If I asked you this question – 'is there more poverty in the world now than there was 25 years ago?' what would you say? I bet many would reply, 'yes, of course, there is...

Shocking: CIS-gendered male fails to adequately celebrate transgendered female’s courage!

In a new move toward absolute compliance of their social agenda, 21st century totalitarians are now actively assessing the adequacy of one's applause at public events celebrating progressive achievements. Those, like former NFL athlete Brett...

The six hot topics at ALP national conference.

The six hot topics at ALP national conference - You would expect these to be the issues that really matter to the mums and dads of Australia, out there in the suburbs working two...

Breaking: Climate Scientists shocked to find ice at the Arctic

BREAKING: Climate scientists aboard a ship bound for the Arctic were shocked to find that the sea ice they expected to be melting due to global warming was, in fact, in such plentiful supply,...