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Weekend in depth: The Church of the Closed Mind

“When a man stops believing in God he doesn't then believe in nothing, he believes anything.” G.K. Chesterton. The famous quote from G.K. Chesterton may be too pejorative for some, and does not always ring...

Climate change oxymorons and ad hominems

"Are there any phrases in today’s political lexicon more obnoxious than “the science is settled” and climate-change deniers'?" John Steele Gordon, writing for the Wall Street Journal asks this very question. For anyone who is frustrated...

Conservative women in leadership

The witch hunt against the Speaker of the House of Representatives has reached a new level of shrillness over the last few weeks with the unfolding of the Bronny chopper affair. The chartering of the...

Student Totalitarians

God help us if these student totalitarians ever get near real power before they have grown up - it will be the Gulag, or worse, for Christopher Pyne, after they have publicly burned his...

People die: Cameron criticised for using a word.

Hundreds of thousands of migrants have flooded Europe in recent years, in a perfect storm of Middle East conflict, opportunistic people smugglers, and the collapse of the collective will of Europe to police its...

Is the world going crazy?

Permit me to share a personal confession: I feel like the world is going crazy. Perhaps it has always been, and I've only just realised. I started to notice a new kind of craziness in early 2014...

Hypocrites and Opportunists

Not to be outdone by the Greens, Victorian Trades Hall Council (the Unions) are now joining the chorus of sanctimonious types lecturing everyone else over the Adam Goodes controversy. The Union campaign takes the...

Bad sports

It has been widely noted over the past week that the Adam Goodes booing saga has exposed the nasty truth that the average football fan is a boorish racist. Goodes is not the first...

Landslide in Nepal

Up to 20 people were killed today (our time) by a landslide following heavy rainfall in Nepal. The mountain nation is home to some of the poorest people in the world. In the past,...

A subtle and insidious racism

On Tuesday, the Guardian's Celeste Liddle made light of Adam Goodes' "imaginary" and "invisible" spear which he threw into the "general direction of the crowd" on that fated day, earlier this year. Liddle mocks Goodes stating: "there...