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The Slovakian stance and the coming Caliphate of Europa

As far as European holidays go, Slovakia is not often on the list of ‘must see’ destinations. The much neglected ‘other half’ of what was once Czechoslovakia, as an independent nation in its own...

Why I vote for the Greens

This hilarious video by the Chaser has been doing the social media rounds over the last few days. Whilst the Chaser clearly had a left wing bent, they were funny none the less, and would...

The bottom feeding relationship between the welfare state and needy migrants

Migrants are dying. Dying as they cross the Sahara, cross the Mediterranean, cross from Indonesia (well, they were, sorry Greens - that is now cancelled). And they are dying as they congregate in Calais...

The protein problem: why eating too much chicken might not help your diet |...

  The sort of thing that occupies the earnest types at The Guardian. "From the standpoint of climate change, plant-based diets win every time,” says Marion Nestle, professor of nutrition and public health at New York...

Obama disappointed: US Personnel involved in “racial profiling” incident

US President Barack Obama has expressed his disappointment and deep regret at an incident overnight involving US citizens, including a current member and an ex-member of the US military. It is alleged the personnel...

Revealed: The Green dream 

Ever wondered what life would be like if groups like Greenpeace and Green political parties ever actually gained real power and were able to implement their policies? Wonder no more. This fascinating report in...

Weekend In-Depth: The Moment I Stopped Caring about Racism

In my student days I lived in a typically "progressive" inner city sharehouse, with fellow students and young adults who held all the correct views on immigration, racism and the War on Terror -...

Good work Marines – never give in to terrorists!

I want to commend the courageous actions of two United States Marines who overpowered a would be terrorist who opened fire on a train traveling between Amsterdam and Paris yesterday. "Without their courage we would...

United States asks Australian Air Force to ‘reach for the sky’ over Islamic State...

The United States Government has formally requested that Australia send in six of its FA/18 Super Hornets to begin bombing raids in Syria. The Royal Australian Air Force war planes are currently based in...

Clem-Nazi: Our favourite feminist hypocrite

Our favourite femi-nazi Clem Ford shows her softer side. These two endearing tweets manage to combine a racist taunt with a foul torrent of personal abuse: In both cases this abuse is directed at other...