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Quote of the Day: What do Islam and Feminism have in common?

We'll make this Quote of the Day short and sharp.  Hope our XYZ viewers are enjoying their Saturday night.  What do Islam and Feminism have in common? Why, read on, courtesy again of Catalaxy: "Islam...

Lost in translation

Yesterday, the Grand Mufti of Australia called for "proper communication" and "proper dialogue" between members of the Muslim community, authorities and broader Australia. Following his press conference, the Grand Mufti drew criticism over several matters....

Memo to Malcolm – you’re not on the ABC now

Malcolm Turnbull has been stopped mid speech by mocking laughter and audible groaning. During his address to the New South Wales Liberal Party state conference, the Prime Minister tried to claim, with a perfectly...

Interview with a Hipster

The crowded café in which we met was typical of many in the area, with tables spilling out onto the busy footpath, spaced around council infrastructure to which several bicycles were chained, and over...

Quote of the Day: The Internet and Independent Media

The honour of The XYZ Quote of the Day goes to an anonymous legend from the Catallaxy site. The Parramatta shooting and the bizarre way it has been handled by the government and the...

Mad Mustafa

Diversity just isn't what it used to be. British Student Unionist Bahar Mustafa is employed as a "student welfare and diversity officer" at the University of London Goldsmiths campus (by the Union, of course,...

Racist remarks now okay 

A Muslim leader in Sydney has today made blatantly racist comments during the course of Friday prayers at the Parramatta mosque attended by teenage terrorist Farhad Jabar. Among the remarks made by Parramatta Mosque chairman...

Grand Mufti calls for “proper dialogue,” Speaks Arabic

The Grand Mufti of Australia, Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohamed has called for "proper communication" and "proper dialogue" among Australians in the wake of the slaying of police employee Curtis Cheng, and raids and arrests...

Ted Cruz grills Climate Change True Believer

Texas Senator and potential President of the free world, Ted Cruz, is responsible for nine of the most beautiful minutes you will ever see on Youtube. Global Warming alarmists and Climate Change true believers often...

Quote of the Day: Boethius’ Verdict on Q&A

The XYZ Quote of the Day for Thursday, October 8 goes to, well, The XYZ.  We thought this line from our resident scribe, Boethius, in which he succinctly summarises what makes the ABC's Q&A...