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ISIS are so suburban

At last, a devastating critique of Islamic State fanaticism in that bastion of left wing thought and analysis - the Guardian. Out of the crowd of white middle aged columnists steps Suzanne Moore to...

Quote of the day: the Grand Mufti compares himself to Jesus

Yesterday, the Grand Mufti of Australia, Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohammed "clarified" his earlier statements where he blamed the Paris terrorist attack on the West, racism and Islamophobia, and hit back at his critics by...

Border Force

Obtaining a visa for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is not easy. Nor should it be. It is possible to enter the country as a religious pilgrim, if one is of the right religion...

Mufti Engages Dog-Whistle Politics

The Grand Mufti of Australia, Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohamed, got in hot water this week when he thought he could get away with blatantly blaming the victims of the Paris Terror Attack II for...

Differentiating between Islamic Ideology and Muslims

Why is it impossible to differentiate between the Islamic ideology and Islamic people? Why can intellectuals, who deal with the realm of ideas, not critically discuss the Islamic ideas, while admitting that the people might...

Multiculturalism will save us from Islamic Terrorism

There has been much discussion since Saturday's terrorist attack in Paris on how to defeat the Islamic State, and the ideology - the literal interpretation of the Koran - which drives it. Former Prime...

Turkish Soccer Fans “Boo” and Chant “Allah Akbar” During Moment of Silence for Paris...

Turkish soccer fans have been "accused" of booing and chanting "Allah Akbar" during a minute's silence which was held for the victims of the Paris attack in a friendly match between Greece and Turkey. The...

Quote of the Day: Victims of a Toxic Ideology

The XYZ Quote of the Day for Tuesday, November 17, was seen today on one of the very few forums in existence on the internet.. We feel it encapsulates the spirit of The XYZ...

Get a Grip, Waleed

Tariq Ramadan on the BBC thinks the main threat is now the emergence of Marine Le Pen in France. In Australia, Waleed Aly worries about Pauline Hanson, and Labor MP Kate Ellis goes on...

Grand Mufti a Grand Numpty

The kindest interpretation of the press release put out by Australia's Grand Mufti Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohammed in the wake of the Paris terror attacks is that something was lost in translation. That may...