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Novak Djokovic wins Australian Open: Doesn’t have heart attack

Whoever would believe it. You don’t need to get vaccinated against Covid to win a grand slam tennis tournament. There will always be a small sense of hope and optimism despite everything. Thankyou and #OptimismNotCoercion. Congratulations @DjokerNole#AustralianOpen#auspol...

January 26th: We should call it Invasion Day

I know many of my readers will find this idea unpalatable – and I completely understand that – but maybe it’s time to admit that January 26th should be renamed Invasion Day after all. I...

Melbourne Race War: Armed Hindus and Sikhs do Battle

Diversity is our greatest strength. India’s domestic politics erupts into race war on the streets of #Melbourne. pic.twitter.com/tWKcO6iedZ — XYZ (@itsyourxyz) January 29, 2023 How good’s the food? Clash between Sikh and Hindu diaspora in Melbourne, Australia. Indian...

XYZ Live 28: Late Stage Civic Nationalism

Come celebrate Australia Day while it's still legal. We discuss the ongoing war on our country's identity and survival, the latest methods to tackle "extremism," and kicking Phil Anselmo off every tour possible. XYZ Live...

The Patriarchal Man is Worthy of God

I have counseled many men in my life, both young and old. I have also had the great fortune to receive counsel from men of greater stature than myself. Giving advice is not something...

The Fatal Flaw in Renewable Energy

Peter Castle The Renewable Energy Problem That No One Talks About An obvious barrier to adopting wind and solar power for electricity supply is their intermittency—when the wind isn’t blowing, and the sun isn’t shining, substitute...

Australia Day Counter-Counter Protest: Happy Invasion Day, We Won

Five years ago on Australia Day in Melbourne, an aboriginal terrorist called Tarneen Onus Williams from the extremist group Warriors of the Aboriginal Resistance screamed “F—- Australia, I hope it burns to the ground”....

The Mainstream Media admits that we are facing “the worst food crisis in history”

Michael Snyder People on the other side of the planet are dropping dead from starvation right now, but most people don’t even realize that this is happening.  Unfortunately, most people just assume that everything is...

Aborigines demand rent so Lidia can buy another motorcycle

They’re really just testing how far they can push: Australian property owners have been urged to start paying a weekly 'rent' tax to  indigenous groups based on their ancestral claim to the land. Under the 'Pay...

Should Kanye’s Wife be Barred from Australia based on Biblical Law?

Ok, so when my page says “Stephen Wells Triggers everyone” that also includes myself sometimes. I wrote an article that was basically a reaction to an XYZ article about Kanye West (I refuse to call...