Putin Nukes Europe: EU Reimposes Mask Mandate
Experts estimate that approximately 300 million people have died in a matter of hours after Russian President Vladimir Putin launched a preemptive nuclear strike on NATO this morning.
The death toll is expected to rise...
Prepping for Lights Out
Some of you will be aware of another Labor promise being broken this week, the one that said they wouldn't do deals with the Greens. Yet, in order to pass their legislation, they were...
The End Of Pax Judaica?
From National Justice.
Joseph Jordan
What does a planet held hostage by mentally sick people who respect neither national or moral boundaries look like?
This is the weird and stupid world of Pax Judaica, where you can...
SWAMPED: Australia to get 650,000 MIGRANTS in 2 years
Australia is about to get infinity chinks:
Australia is set to see its biggest immigration surge ever with government figures revealing 650,000 migrants are predicted to arrive this financial year and next.
The sudden population boom is...
Judaism is the Religion of Lies
Originally published March 29, 2023.
One of the biggest twistings of the truth that is said about Jews is that they follow the Old Testament just like Christians do. Jews consider the books of the...
The Racer Decides 10: Fat Pizza Nationalism (2023 NSW Election)
Fenian and David are pleased to be joined by Sydney boy Joel Davis for a discussion on the 2023 NSW election. We cover:
The illusion of choice
Gay Jews vs corrupt Lebs
The ever...
Hushcrime: ABC Hides Hate Crime Against White Girl
A 13-year-old girl was 'allegedly' tortured for four to five hours on the Sunshine Coast of Queensland by three nonwhite teens last week.
Aboriginal leads the torture of a young white girl for 4 hours...
Moira Deeming kind of not really maybe suspended by Liberal Party for saying women...
It’s like watching a failed suicide attempt by a a tranny who is such a loser they can’t even kill themselves properly.
Actually, the tranny is the perfect metaphor for the Liberal Party. They are...
Without Big Strong Men, Posie Parker got PULVERISED by Pedo Freaks in Auckland
On Saturday 18 March, radical feminist activist Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull, also known as Posie Parker, was able to speak for women freely and in safety due mostly to the protection of NSN activists.
This was despite...
Literally all you have to do to identify as aboriginal is tick a box
In less than a minute and a half, Pauline Hanson has exposed the complete lack of accountability with regard to those who claim to be aboriginal. In the following video, Hanson skewers an ABC...