Breaking: Microaggressions Contradiction Explodes Feminist Heads

In breaking news, first responders have described 'a scene of unimaginable horror' in a small room at a university campus in the north east of the United States. It was first believed that yet...

Food for Thought – Islamists Hate Vaccines

Firstly, it should come as little surprise that Islamists hate vaccines. Seeing as these folk submit to a throw-back ideology that despises Western advances in education, research, medicine, law, commerce, science and innovation, should...

The Facts on Tax

There has been a lot of talk recently about tax, and as usual a great deal misinformation abounds. In Australia we have had a long winded debate over whether "negative gearing" (a tool that...

Say it with a Picture – WaleedTV

Let it be noted that I have been criticised by Green Left crusaders at late for my remarks regarding this year’s Gold Logie winner for the Best Personality on Australian TV. Apparently calling BS on...

The Progressive Dehumanisation of Conservatives

When news broke a few days ago that Facebook had been suppressing conservative, or so called "right wing" content, it was no surprise to anyone. The only surprise was that a (former) employee of...

Why Facebook, the ABC and the Politically Correct are so hard to believe

Last week's events with regard to Facebook censorship and editorial bias ‪#‎ConservativeOpionsMatter‬, the ABC's continuing love affair with the self immolation of its charter ‪#‎MallahStandsWithStorrar‬, and the expanding dissonance between politically correct viewpoints and...

Identity and dress codes: It’s not about you

Today I came across one of the silliest articles I've seen in a long time. According to their ABC, a former student of a private school in central Victoria was "turned away" from an event...

Food for thought – The hoodwinking of Australia

Today activists from The Greens, Refugee Action Coalition, Socialist Alliance, ANTIFA (and the usual lowlife suspects) stormed the Immigration Department building in Melbourne and brought traffic to a halt. This complimented the media reportage...

Food for thought – A union paired with Aird

XYZ readers may recall my recent write-up about a friend who was bullied, intimidated and harassed by NSW delegates of the Transport Workers Union (TWU) loyal to the state secretary Michael Aird. Well I’ve recently...

A Green Government for Australia?

Australian Greens leader, Richard Di Natale has stated today that he is expecting a Greens "breakthrough" at this year's July federal election, and believes that a time will come soon when the Greens will...

Breaking: Branson finds Allah, sells Virgin..

In exclusive breaking news, The XYZ can reveal that Sir Dick Branson has sold Virgin after finding Allah, changed his name to Mohammad Islam and released a statement that he was a terrible sinner...

Food for thought – #illridewithyou

I imagine most folk have heard about the attacks in Germany today by yet another Islamic terrorist enthusiast. A man is dead and several others are seriously injured after a 27 year old yelling “Allahu...

BREAKING: Facebook suppression of “right-wing” media exposed

A former Facebook employee has revealed that the social media giant has been suppressing so called "right wing" and conservative news content. In a story reported earlier today by Ninemsn: "Facebook created the role of a...

Viewer Poll: Who should be allowed to vote?

At the dawn of democracy, people would be dragged from the street into a theatre so that every seat was filled and from there decisions were made... Some had no idea what they were...

Waleed Aly confession: I changed my name to get into Television

During the Logie after party last night, Gold Logie winner Waleed Aly was overheard, glass in hand, confessing that he had changed his name in order to get into television. An unconfirmed source reported...

Food for thought – Waleed Aly wins gold disease

After hearing about "Little Wally the Pinko" winning the Gold Logie for the Best Personality on Australian TV I remembered back to a characterisation of the award by Sally Struthers on the Norman Gunston show. Between...

APEX gang members avoid conviction through the racism of low expectations

Two members of Melbourne's notorious Apex gang have avoided conviction after brutally bashing an elderly couple in their bed. According to a report from the Herald Sun, the elderly couple were left deeply traumatised after...

Fontgate: Australians pay more for ABC waste and bias

It was revealed in a Senate Estimates Committee meeting on Thursday that the ABC spent around $50,000 in having a bespoke typeface created for its logo, all aimed at strengthening the outlet's branding and...

Breaking: South Africa bans white people from using boats

Human Rights activists the world over are praising the South African government for what has been hailed as a 'revolutionary policy to inflict retribution for real and perceived injustices of the past,' in banning...

Wooh Angry Anderson! I’d vote for that!

An article on the page; Music Feed, and the subsequent comments to the original post aren't at all supportive of Angry Anderson's recent announcement to stand as a candidate for the Australian Liberty Alliance...