Fake Media Watch: CNN Falsely Telegraphs Secretary of Education Pick as Racist

The audacity of an embittered, clearly partisan, and unscrupulous CNN reached dizzying new heights today as they clearly telegraphed that secretary Betsy DeVos is a racist in favour of segregation. And what evidence is...

A Ryan Rant – Episode 27

If you ever wondered why university degrees are haemorrhaging credibility these days, perhaps it has something to do with these dubious “professors” facilitating the corrosive curricula. Who in their right mind is going to willingly...

A Ryan Rant – Episode 26

For some time now, the predatory presstitute press has characterised young and old opposed to open borders, Islamisation, marriage perversion and general bolshie buggery of our social institutions as “racist extremists”. They refer to anti-white...

Straight to the Point – Popular Culture is Cultural Marxist Cancer

As your XYZ often explains, the agenda of Cultural Marxism is fixated upon corroding culture and socialising suicide. In this video Paul Joseph Watson, yet again, hits the nail on the proverbial head... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyLUIXWnrC0

Time-Travelling Down Pennsylvania Avenue

There is a topic that bounces around the side alleys of the already quirky inter-webs concerning the Berenstain/Berenstein Bears. These bears were the titular stars of a series of illustrated children’s books, where they lived...

The Silent Majority Find Their Voice

Did you ever wonder why it is that the left live in such an all-encompassing echo chamber? Why they are so assured in their ideology that they actually believe that they can comfortably espouse...

Food for Thought – As Regressives Riot, Pinochet Praise Soars

Let’s recap the regressive Left’s total disconnection from reality and their nosedive into utter notoriety. Firstly, they’ve spent the last eighteen months or more committing violence in order to receive blood money from DNC hedge-fund handlers. Secondly,...

Challenge Turnbull Now

Editor's note: This article by BJ appears even more precient, given reports that Cory Bernardi is preparing to make his move. Any doubt that Malcolm Turnbull is grossly and dangerously inept, and politically and ideologically...

More Riots, Please

The organized riots at Berkeley University have dominated news and conversation around the interwebs these past few days. The defendants of these rioting anarchist thugs most often use the explanation that free speech doesn’t...

Mainstream Media Muzzles Blacks, Mexicans, and Blue Collar Americans

One thing really stood out in the CNN-led Blitzkrieg coverage intended to destabilise the Presidency of Donald J. Trump and cause irrational fear in even the most apolitical observer. Where are all the ordinary...

Oxfam Fools While Capitalism Rules

Oxfam is at it again, continuing its grand annual pre-World Economic Forum tradition of releasing yet another report designed to incite socialist frothing over the supposed grave injustice of wealth inequality. As per usual, the...

A Ryan Rant – Episode 25

Fascist fatwa-peddling femocrats are openly calling for the extermination of White Western Conservative Constitutionalist Christians. Like the 1838 Mormon Extermination order issued by Democrat Missouri Governor Lilburn Boggs, or more recently the Branch Davidian extermination...

Leftist Media: “Don’t do anything! That’s what ISIS want!”

As Donald Trump continues to go about doing exactly what he said he was going to do as President, something almost unheard of in the history of politics, the left-wing meltdown just gets louder...

PETA are the Real Threat to Animals

I would like to start by saying this is not satire. This is not a joke. A couple of days ago The XYZ published an article on the request from PETA to hobby company Games...

Straight to the Point – “New Left” are Anti-Democratic Terrorists

As your XYZ has long stated, the modern manifestation of the Islamophilic Left has become a cult of racist terror. Having experienced this first-hand myself, I empathise greatly with those who have been targeted with...

Food for thought – Marxist Metastasis Bolsters Milo’s Message

Today hordes of masked pseudo-“anti-fascist” terrorist agitators have shut-down Breitbart Editor Milo Yiannopoulos’ right to free speech and the right to free assembly for those seeking to hear him speak at UC Berkeley. Milo Yiannopoulos...

A Ryan Rant – Episode 24

Recently I’d expressed that “globalist governmental grubs” who let in 30 African migrants who’d assaulted 21-year-old landscaper Andrew Wills “should be shot”. Globalist-funded black-bloc-wearing ANTIFA trolls wasted no time characterising yours truly as a “Radical...

Straight to the Point – 20 Questions For Muslims

Paul Joseph Watson once again provides Muslims and Leftist Islamophiles some much needed questions to reflect upon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eah1niD0dqs

An Open Letter to the Left: Stop Being Duped by Neocon Globalists

Dear all of the left people, One of the many things that frequently perplexes the right about you is how effortlessly you are brought to heel, and even trained as unthinking attack dogs by the...

Trump Fires Acting Attorney-General

President Trump today sent an incendiary message to the highly politicized Department of Justice when he fired the Acting Attorney-General, Sally Q. Yates. Yates was the highest ranked Senate-confirmed Obama appointee remaining at Justice,...