The Truth and History of African Gang crime in Australia

African gang crime is now a major issue in Australia, especially Melbourne. Our country has a history of allowing in refugees and while some groups have integrated well, others have not. Waleed Aly is one...

Quote of the Day: Democracy is a death trap

Way of the World discusses the fact that in Western and northern Europe, whether by apathy or by direct manipulation of the system by the globalist elite, there does not seem to be a...

Facebook to use Facial Recognition Software to Monitor Users for Microagressions

The XYZ understands that Facebook plans to utilise the latest facial recognition software, perfected by the CIA and some of the world's biggest casinos, to monitor the facial expressions of users for microagression, racism...

A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World – PART 2 – Multiculturalism

Originally published January 3 2018. At the start of this year Sam Vimes put together an excellent series on Cultural Marxism and its various strands. This part 2 covers the ideology of Multiculturalism,...

Quote of the Day: Pauline Hanson wants parliament to acknowledge anti-white racism

We've been trying to figure out Pauline Hanson recently. After Senator Fraser Anning gave his epic maiden speech she joined the globalist shills in decrying him, and even took offence to Derryn Hinch's description...

DEFQON 1 Tragedy was caused by Prohibition – Gladys Berejiklian is completely wrong

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian vowed to shut down Defqon 1 because of two overdose deaths, but she's just another pearl clutching moral busybody. The true culprit is Prohibition and the endlessly stupid and expensive War...

So, I Guess I’m a Rapist Now

They did it to Trump. They did it to Roy Moore. Now they have done it to Kavanaugh. Why am I still shocked by it? I don’t know, but I am. Maybe this time it...

Out where the thunder roars

The latest bout of natural disasters to hit the northern hemisphere have triggered another round of predictable atheist condescension: Ok so that was pretty funny, even for a normie meme. Although I have been getting...

Is Linux the latest SJW casualty

Mike Rusade The core development team of the Linux operating system has caved to pressure from the political correctness online enforcement brigades, and can no longer be completely trusted. Once the domain of tech enthusiasts and...

A tidal wave is coming

I have nothing but sympathy for this poor boy. (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s); if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src = ''; ...

The left are coming for your children

Pedophile apologists are responsible for putting together the Safe Schools curriculum taught to your school children, but that isn't enough for the lowest of the low in the leftist world. This article from Far...

XYZ Live #34 – The Dalai Lama did Nothing Wrong! Unlike Google, the EU...

The Dalai Lama has once again this week revealed his true bigot colours by announcing that Europe is for the Europeans and that refugees should return to their own countries to rebuild them. This...

Why I am opposed to communism

David University communists such as the Socialist Alternative and their sponsored groups such as the Campaign Against Racism and Fascism, have claimed to be a force in support of minorities. Such groups have resorted to...

9 year old Australian girl refuses to stand for National Anthem

Big news in Australia this week was some snot-nosed brat refusing to stand for the National Anthem at her school, which rightly disciplined her but then faced the wrath of the SJW hordes on...

Jesus was a refugee – WHO WENT BACK

Tonight's reading comes from Matthew 2:13-23 New King James Version. From Bible Gateway: The Flight into Egypt 13 Now when they had departed, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, saying, “Arise, take...

Yassmin Abdel-Magied tacitly admits she should never have come to Australia

Yassmin Abdel-Magied has linked the deaths of two aboriginal teens who drowned when fleeing police, to Mark Knight's accurate portrayal of Serena William's tantrum at the US Open and the legal settlement of Australia...

Based Asians: Dalai Lama BTFO’s refugees, China reeducates muslims, Gandhi patrolled THOTs, Pakistani Baby...

Asians are so based, even the based Asians who get defeated by other based Asians are still more based than many cuckservatives here in the West. Take the Dalai Lama. The man lives as a...

Their finest hour – in honour of Sir Winston Churchill and “the few”, 75...

Originally published September 20, 2015. Sir Winston Churchill has been several times voted the greatest Briton of all time in nation-wide polls. Knighted in 1953 and awarded a Nobel Prize for literature the same year,...

ABC Propaganda and The Shadow Ministers Comedy Fail

The ABC have given us plenty of propaganda over the years but this was one of the best. The Shadow Ministers took aim at Prime Minister Scott Morrison and, well, let’s just say they...

Infiltration: A story of communism and socialism on campus

David From the Trotskyists of the Socialist Alternative and the Greens, to the Stalinists of the various communist societies and clubs such as the Adelaide Communist Club and the Maoists of the Confucius Institute, the...