If you have clicked on this, there isn’t really anything more you can get from this piece that you haven’t already gotten from the headline.
Julia Gillard must be hitting 130 already. There is no way this headshot isn’t at least 15 years old:
If you have a question for Julia Gillard, and you’re in Sydney, you can register to be in Monday night’s #QandA audience. Fill out the registration form on our website and our producers will be in touch: https://t.co/hdvdP5FBvY pic.twitter.com/jVOHauKvFY
— QandA (@QandA) July 8, 2020
Everybody knows that suspected lesbian Julia Gillard is ugly.
Like, freaking ugly.
Once you have seen a Larry Pickering cartoon of a droopy-boobed Julia Gillard wearing a strap-on dildo you just can’t go back.
That is all.