Tommy Robinson’s Stand With Our Lads Petition has over 100,000 signatures: #IAmSoldierX goes viral


Tommy Robinson is building an army. We saw his prototroopers on the streets of London when he was in prison:

Now it is clear that he enjoys immense support within the regular British Army. The young lads who had their photos taken with Tommy Robinson have been put through the wringer since, with one apparently having been discharged. In response, a petition (which you can sign here) calling for an end to the political witch hunt against the boys has garnered over 100,000 signatures.

From The Rebel:

“Tommy Robinson recently stopped at a service station where four coaches full of British soldiers were taking a break. He said hello to the lads and some of them posed for “selfies” with Tommy.

Tommy called it an honour to stand with British troops and shake their hands, even just for a few moments.

But when the Muslim Council of the UK heard about this, they immediately demanded that the Army punish these soldiers — and to their shame, the Army did.

These lads had their cell phones seized and inspected for “illegal” photos of Tommy. And the Armed Forces’ official Islamic advisor, Asim Hafiz, condemned these men — before the investigation was even complete — telling reporters that “any form of racism, discrimination or extremism is taken extremely seriously and will be dealt with accordingly”.

What racism? What discrimination?

It was just a photo. These are proud British soldiers.

And now there are unconfirmed reports that at least one of these lads has been summarily discharged from the Army — just for standing next to Tommy and smiling.

That’s outrageous. That cannot stand.

These lads are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms. The least we can do is stand up for their freedom, too.”

As said, you can sign the petition here.

Tommy Robinson notes in this video that soldiers have been forbidden to follow him on social media, and the tragically high suicide rate amongst members of the armed forces.

The hashtag #IAmSoldierX is going great guns.  We all know the pitfalls of hashtag activism, but when something like this spreads so rapidly we should pay attention:

Tommy also noted that the diversity push to get more “minorities” into the British army only achieved 10% of its intended target. The rank and file of the British army is still primarily native British. In case you think I am dog whistling, that means white. They love their country, they are prepared to fight and die for it, and they love Tommy.

Courtesy of Make Australia Grouse Again.

The sign off from from Tommy gives us an indication of why the British establishment want to get rid of Tommy, and why the globalists want to globalise the army:

“I hope somewhere, if you’re in the corridors of power, we’ve already got the report in that this is coming from ministerial, so this is government – so if you’re in the government and you’re about to watch what’s about to come through, you’re so out of touch, just like when you tried sticking me in jail.

“It’s the same person who made these decisions is trying to put me in jail – that didn’t work very well for you did it? More people listening now than ever, ever before.

“So if you’re that person, you’re making these decisions to come down and throw these kids out, you’ve got a chance to change that decision, or you’re going to cause a revolt within your own armed forces, because people are not going to stand by and watch this happen.”


It’s your XYZ.