It’s about Sovereignty


A flurry has been stirred in the media today, following the announcement that the Australian Border Force, combined with police and transport officers will be carrying out a blitz in Melbourne’s CBD this weekend.

Even though the proposed action is nothing more than enforcing our current laws, it has been cancelled at the eleventh hour (perhaps as a result of the impromptu protest at Melbourne’s Flinders Street train station), showing once again that the cultural elites will take any excuse to undermine the rule of Law.

Australian Border Force Commander Don Smith said that his teams will be, “speaking with any individual we cross paths with.” He continued with what, despite the attention it’s received, should be a non-controversial statement:

“You need to be aware of the conditions of your visa; if you commit visa fraud you should know it’s only a matter of time before you’re caught out.”

Even though this is really just about ensuring that our travel and immigration laws are followed, that statement has of course gotten human rights activists all worked up; and according to the Guardian, “the operation – codenamed ‘Operation Fortitude’ – raised fears of police using racial profiling to justify stopping people and that it risked a ‘militarisation’ of the immigration system.”

The people at GetUp!, predictably have come up with this hysterical meme inUnknown response, and are telling people to ‘make sure they know their rights’.

When addressing matters such as immigration, we need to get back to basics. Australia is a sovereign nation and has the right to regulate the flow of immigration, and to decide who ultimately comes here. Every nation has this right. I also firmly believe that as a nation we should be compassionate to those who are fleeing violence and persecution, and be welcoming to refugees.

However, GetUp! and it’s ilk seems to use every opportunity and legal loophole and technicality to undermine the very sovereignty of Australia, which protects the freedoms and culture that makes it desirable a destination for migrants and also a safe haven for refugees.