Stephen Wells: Unlawful Bail Conditions are the new Vaccine Mandates


As reported by The XYZ, Stephen Wells was arrested on Australia Day and charged with “loitering” after attending an Australia Day celebration with Australian nationalist organisation NSN.

The Noticer has since published an update on his conditions, and we note with relief that he is now being fed (with eggs) and he has access to toiletries. However, he still has no access to natural light and is being kept in solitary confinement:

Mr Wells told the source he had been informed he was being isolated as a result of “non-compliance” for initially refusing to wear a uniform, and for his own personal safety.

Most importantly, Stephen Wells has more or less confirmed my educated guess as to his reason for refusing to sign an unlawful bail agreement, whose conditions included a ban on entering the Adelaide CBD and associating with other members:

Mr Wells told the source he saw the bail conditions as equivalent to being told “take the Covid vaccine or lose your job”, and that he was being punished for refusing to voluntarily give up his freedom of political association and freedom of association in general.

“If I give them my consent it’s the same as taking the vax to keep my job,” he told the source.

“That’s why they’re punishing me so hard, that’s where the fight lies.”

This is spot on, both spiritually and politically. The satanists who rule this world and the Australian government hold a perverted belief that if you give assent to their evil, it makes it all okay. In this regard, even if the notvaccine was not the mark of the beast, and even if its side effects intended consequences had not led to the greatest silent genocide of all time, it was still our duty to resist because if you agree to the demands of these reprobates, they own you.

Politically, the issue of politically biased bail conditions is a vital battlefield. We saw its use during the Covid lockdowns, when Monica Smit of Reignite Democracy Australia chose to remain in jail rather than accept bail conditions which would have amounted to shutting down her organisation. In 2021, a hidden camera recording exposed Victoria Police officers openly discussing slapping a Rebel News reporter with frivolous charges in order to impose bail conditions which would restrict his freedom of speech.

Many correctly predicted that the lockdowns were merely a test run, and we are seeing that play out now with unconstitutional bail conditions imposed on those who oppose The Narrative regarding mass replacement immigration and so-called “multiculturalism”.

In recent months a slew of legislation has been rammed through parliament intended to construct a legal framework for an Australian police state, accompanied by coordinated deplatforming of popular social media channels.

However, Joel Davis points out that this legislation is does not in fact restrict either political or religious speech:

I obviously don’t support the new federal Hate Crimes amendments that downgraded the legal threshold for threatening violence against so called protected groups from ‘intentional’ to ‘reckless’ – as now people could be thrown in prison for jokes and unserious loose talk and I don’t find this reasonable.

However the fear mongering over this bill is crazy and fueled largely by ignorance. Most commentators weighing in haven’t actually read the amendment, or if they have they lack the competence to interpret and comprehend it correctly.

Despite what the media is saying, these are not “hate speech” laws, they have nothing to do with “racial vilification” or political speech. The sensationalism around these new laws will have a chilling effect which makes people think they’re far wider in scope than they actually are – don’t fall for it.

…the far greater concern is the amendments to the anti-vilification laws at the state level in both Victoria and NSW being proposed right now. These will have more of an impact, but they will also have inbuilt exemptions for political speech. We should oppose them and be wary of them, but we should also not become irrationally demoralised. Political speech remains legally protected.

This explains the use of politicised bail conditions. Our rulers understand that they can weaponise the legal system against nationalists and employ every trick in the book to prolong the process, but ultimately they cannot prosecute Australians for political speech. Instead they hope that unconstitutional bail conditions will achieve this by fiat, intimidating activists into self-censoring.

Hence why Stephen Wells’ stance is so important.

Here are the details to send Stephen Wells letters of support:

Stephen Wells #194270
Adelaide Remand Centre
208 Currie Street, Adelaide, SA 5000

If you want to send any money, it just be needs to be less than $200 in the form of a money express order from the Post Office with his full name of Stephen Wells. You must also put your full name and postal address on the back of your letter.

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