How to start a war


The New York Times reports that the Biden administration has discussed providing nuclear weapons to Zelensky in Ukraine, France and Britain are considering sending troops there, and US and British long-range missiles are still being sent into Russia by the Ukrainians.

It’s becoming pretty clear that the deep state response to Trump’s unpreventable election victory is to start World War III.

When historians look back on our period, they’ll likely argue that World War III had already begun by now. Few in the world realise it, though. For now.

Before January 20 2025, at some point, we’re likely to have the Big Scary Moment when the normies realise the sum of all fears is on their doorstep, war with Russia and maybe Iran is declared, and mass mobilisation begins.

No one knows the future except God the Father. We can make informed guesses, however. Looking at the lead-up to past world wars and applying it to today, I don’t expect we’ll see nukes immediately. You have a Phony War or a Dunkirk before the extermination begins. These global wars take time to build in intensity; casualties and atrocities increase over time.

I think we’ll see a conventional conflict begin between NATO and Russia, followed steadily by kick-offs between Israel and Iran, China and Taiwan, and then North Korea and everyone else Kim can hit a missile with.

The nukes come later, probably after a coup in a major power or as one side begins to lose. Israel would be the first to begin to lose badly in my estimation, and they have a declared nuclear Samson Option for the entire region if their existence is threatened. NATO nuking Russian forces in Eastern Europe to prevent Europe from being overrun would be my second guess at who goes first.

Global thermonuclear war is coming, and within the next five years. The neocons in charge of the US deep state will make sure of it.

The NATO powers are triggering this war by using whatever provocations they can find. Putin declares red lines, and NATO immediately crosses them. At some point, Putin will have to strike NATO bases in Europe in retaliation. Once the Russians do that, the cabal running America will use the outrage generated among the shocked Western public to launch World War III officially.

Expect rationing, a draft and government crackdowns to follow quickly.

If America wins, we can expect the globalist agenda of open borders and rampant perversion to accelerate into utter madness. Infinity Clown World into the Abyss.

However, as I’ve written before, I think the West will lose this time. When that happens, survivors in Western nations will have to face some hard truths about what our governments have been doing worldwide for the last few centuries. It will be even more psychologically devastating for the average Western normie than what the Germans and Japanese went through after 1945.

They had to process a few decades of government atrocity and deception. We’ve got a backlog going back to the early 1800s to face up to.

Our history textbooks tell our children that America isn’t an empire. It’s just another nation, but it’s also the most special nation. America has historically been the good guy defending freedom and liberty worldwide from tyranny and injustice. America doesn’t start the wars; expansionist dictators seeking global domination have started them all against the US.

It’s all a fairy tale. No government is good. They’re all bad guys, and the reality is that the American liberal imperialist ruling elite uses dishonesty and deception routinely to expand their power. Then, they brainwash the population to reframe themselves as victims afterwards.

Let’s start with World War I. The United States entered the war in Europe in April 1917 after the sinking of the cruise ship Lusitania in May 1915. Allied propaganda used the outrage generated by the atrocity to maximum effect until, two years later, Americans had been whipped up into hating Germany enough to join the war.

The Germans claimed the ship had been carrying munitions for the war effort. The Allied governments strenuously denied it for a century, until archaeologists in 2009 finally proved that the Lusitania was supplying weapons to Britain.

Note the pattern: deception – outrage – propaganda – war. Works every single time.

Pearl Harbour was much the same. The US had blockaded Japan from critical commodities such as oil for their imperial wars in China. Was Japan a good guy here? Of course not. And neither was America.

The Roosevelt administration knew in advance the Japanese were coming to attack Pearl Harbour, and they pretended not to know to leverage the outrage and shock of the American people into going to war.

Vietnam was the same. The pretext the Americans used to justify supporting the French and their South Vietnamese puppet government was the attack on American ships in the Gulf of Tonkin. It was all a hoax. President Johnson joked privately at the same time that Americans were being riled up: “For all I know, our Navy was shooting at whales out there.”

1.5 million people died in the Vietnam War.

With Gulf War 1.0, the world was told that Iraqi soldiers were throwing babies out of incubators. It was another hoax. With Gulf War 2.0, it was because Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. He didn’t.

Regardless of your take on the two planes taking down three buildings on 9/11, it is also clear that Saddam had nothing to do with it. The truth is immaterial, however, when you’ve got emotions to manipulate and gullible normies to send to their deaths.

Which is where we’re at today. The US has been provoking Russia since NATO expansion eastward began in the 1990s. Both powers have funded coups and puppet regimes to keep the other out. The US played hardball after 2014, launching attacks on ethnic Russians in the Donbas region to provoke a Russian response while playing innocent the entire time.

Regardless of what Western propaganda is saying, Putin has been winning the war in Ukraine since some early setbacks. Russia’s military production far outpaces Western manufacturing capability, and the Eurasians have deeper pockets, more stuff and more motivated, capable citizens than the combined West.

So what do our incompetent, fixated, decadent, fragile elites do?

Do they face reality and accept the loss of hegemony?

No, they authorise strikes by Ukraine deep into Russia with NATO satellite and logistics assistance.

It’s the same old, tired liberal imperialist playbook, but with stakes far higher than anything ever before.

This is Russia. China, Iran and North Korea also back up Russia. They have thousands of nuclear warheads and enormous conventional capability between them.

This is sheer madness. Only ideological or religious zealots would consider this a sensible strategy for the declining Western imperium—or power-drunk fools like Admiral Rob Bauer, Chair of the NATO Military Committee in Brussels.

Good guys and bad guys, light and darkness, freedom and tyranny. That’s religious language usually reserved for nutters, Rob.

The Western elites must think that they can rule the rubble to make it all worthwhile afterwards. What do they know that we don’t? Do they have a plan, or are they just insane?

It is the darkest madness, and they’re getting away with it because Western normies have normalcy bias and can’t imagine that the world could end.

It can. And at some point in the next few years for the decadent, complacent, brainwashed West, it will.

Originally published at Ponerologist. You can purchase Dr. David Hilton’s book here.