So about those vaccines …


In Washington DC, the select subcommittee tasked with investigating the response to the covid 19 pandemic has released its report. Robert Malone has written a good rundown of the pertinent parts of the document. In short, it confirms what many of us shouted from the rooftops regarding the entire con job and attempt at global mass murder. The report itself is somewhat schizophrenic, particularly as regards to the clot shots. For example, on the one hand you have this:

OPERATION WARP SPEED: President-elect Trump’s Operation Warp Speed — which encouraged the rapid development and authorization of the COVID-19 vaccine — was highly successful and helped save millions of lives.

While on the other hand you have this:

COVID-19 VACCINE: Contrary to what was promised, the COVID-19 vaccine did not stop the spread or transmission of the virus.

One of these things is not like the other. I mean, if the vaccines didn’t work; and that is what not being able to halt either the spread or transmission of the virus means, then how did those not working vaccines save millions of lives? I presume that there is a good deal of butt covering 101 going on so as to kick the can down the road for a few more years.

Speaking of a few more years, time may soon be up for those who stuck a not vaccine in their arm so they could continue to go out for coffee:

According to that video, the housing crisis that is causing so much grief in Australia should be over by about 2026. I’m flippant about this, but I’m also mad as hell as the majority of my friends and family took the shots.

Still, those of us who were gaslighted, ridiculed, mocked, fired, conspired against, imprisoned, refused service, and a whole bunch of other discrimination, so it turns out we were right and you were all wrong. As a result I expect this to be completely memory holed. Our only compensation is knowing for certain that we don’t have experimental gene therapy poison goop in our veins waiting for the right moment to go off like a frog in a sock. Some comfort.

Vox has written a post today about binary thinkers, the kind who rationalise along the lines of, “Harris is bad so then Trump must be good”. Apparently this is the majority of people. It’s probably one of the reasons that so many people suck at poker. I would say that this binary thinking handicap was definitely a contributing factor as to why so many of you rolled up your sleeves with glee.

It turns out that submitting to the shot didn’t make you heroes, and nor did it make you morally superior. It simply showed that you’re dumb, that you’re easily manipulated, and that you will willingly do the regime’s dirty work if they tell you to do so. For free. Oh, and for your life.

Expect no coverage of this report in any MSM.

Originally published at Pushing Rubber Downhill. You can purchase Adam’s books here.