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Tag: World War III

When Russia Begins, the World Will Hold its Breath

A quick update on my blogroll links. Gone are Larry Johnson and Andrei Martyanov. The former because once a CIA spook then always a...

War with Russia means certain nuclear war

Across the three theatres where World War II was fought in the 1940s, conflict escalation is occurring today. In Europe, brinkmanship is well underway. The...

How Julian Assange Saved The World

Julian Assange is a free man after more than a decade of captivity as a political prisoner. Adam Piggott astutely observes why it now...

The Iranian Black Swan

The president of Iran and the foreign minister have been confirmed dead in a helicopter crash. Andrei Martyanov believes that it was not an...

Clownworld turns to Assassination

Openly opposing Clownworld comes at a heavy price. BREAKING: IRAN STATE TV SAYS 'NO SIGN' OF LIFE IN PRESIDENT'S HELICOPTER Source: AFP — Mario Nawfal...

South Australia to ban Social Media just in time for WWIII

The crazy feminists are kinda almost right again. Boys should be playing with Lego in the mud and throwing snails at girls. From As parents...

How I learned to stop worrying and love Mystery Babylon

In his May Day speech delivered just after his fifth inauguration as President of Russia on Thursday, Vladimir Putin reminded his Western opponents that...

How to explain World War III to normies

There’s a Chinese saying we’ve all heard about it being a blessing and a curse to live in interesting times or something similar. It’s...

What happens after World War III

When you’re learning how to write an opinion piece, the usual formula is you start with a news hook, show how it’s relevant to...

Will France’s Tranny Granny start World War III?

Every normal person who sees this knows it is fake and gay. Recently, Candace Owens potentially exposed just how fake and gay the marriage of...