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African Gang Rampage days after African Gangs vow revenge for murder of African Gang member by African Gangs: Police Baffled


First, let’s go back a few days. On Thursday night last week, an African “rapper” was murdered in North Melbourne by an African Gang at a halloween themed rave party. Rival African Gangs then fought on the streets outside the venue while Victoria Police asked African Gang members if they would like hugs.

Following this African Gangs riot, the African Gangs of Melbourne’s east vowed revenge on the African Gangs of Melbourne’s west. As reported by The Noticer, former community chairperson of the South Sudanese Community Association of Victoria Kot Monoah published the intel that a raid was incoming.

Channeling the spirit of Comical Ali, another “African community” spokesman claimed it was all fake news:

Nuer Community in Victoria president Pal Deng Pur responded to Mr Monoah’s post by calling the allegations “unfounded”.

“This is a moment for us to show our strength as a community by rejecting negativity and standing firmly against violence. Let us honor the memory of the young boy by coming together and ensuring that our actions reflect compassion and understanding,” he wrote.

Utterly predictably, a couple of nights ago, this happened.

“Gang violence is raging across Melbourne’s western suburbs, with a family of 9 including their baby ambushed inside their Melton home.”

The eastern suburbs African Gang smashed their way in to rival western suburbs African Gang members’ homes and just smashed everything. The same African Gang is believed to have destroyed two other western suburbs homes the same evening. Just as predictably, it was claimed that Police had no idea what was going on:

“…with detectives now investigating whether those involved are known to each other…”

They think we’re idiots.

Obviously, nobody could give two hoots about what rival African Gangs do to each other on the streets of Melbourne. However a serious insult has been delivered to Anglos in the prosecution of this African Gang War.

These African Gangs appear to believe that Melbourne belongs to them. The African Gangs of the eastern and western suburbs appear to believe that their respective “turf” is theirs, not ours.

Aussies have a very simple message to convey to all black Africans in response:

Get out of our country. We’re not asking. We’re not going to bribe you to go. One day we will have the power to force you to leave. It would be better for you if you leave now.

All of you.

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