Dutton is almost right about Gaza Refugees


It’s the same old trick. Look tough Islamic terror, as long as hundreds of thousands keep pouring into Australia from every other point on the map:

Opposition leader Peter Dutton has called for a complete ban on Palestinian refugees from entering Australia, claiming it is putting our national security at risk.

He made the controversial comments while being interviewed this morning, adding that the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) was not conducting checks or searches on those arriving in the country.

“I don’t think people should be coming in from that warzone at all at the moment,” he said in an interview with Sky News.

“It’s not prudent to do so and I think it puts our national security at risk.”

Australia has granted more than 2600 visas to Palestinians, and rejected a further 4600, since Hamas’ October 7 attack on Israel, according to Senate Estimates from May.

Of those, only about 1300 have arrived and remain in Australia.

Dutton raised his concerns during question time in Parliament today, asking Prime Minister Anthony Albanese whether supporting a listed terrorist organisation like Hamas passed the character test in a visa application.

To that, Albanese said: “If the Leader of the Opposition doesn’t have confidence in that system, he should say so.”

“It’s exactly the same system that was in place when the Leader of the Opposition was the Minister for Immigration who presided over these issues.”

Home Affairs Minister Tony Burke said each visa application, regardless of which country the applicant is from, was run through an ASIO vetting process that’s updated every 24 hours.

“There will be no compromise on national security, none,” he said in Parliament.

It’s all so tiresome.

It doesn’t matter if the people coming here are of a foreign religion and believe they are destined to rule the world and do a little suicide bombing along the way.

It doesn’t matter if the people coming here are more or less law abiding, but work hard and network within their own ethnic community and lobby governments on behalf of their own ethnic community to gain an economic and political advantage over native Anglos.

From Domain….. you thought I was going somewhere else, didn’t you…..

It doesn’t matter whether the people coming here engage in systematic rape of our children or just happen to be in the right place at the right time so the media can pretend that we really do need all those nice “immigrants”.

From their ABC.

And it doesn’t matter if the people coming here are aspiring law students, rappers or knife stabbers.

The point is, Australians are being systematically replaced via mass immigration, and this pattern is replicated across the White West. During the term of the Albanese government alone, over a million “migrants” have come here. Our government is doing this deliberately, and it reinforces its mass replacement immigration policy by discriminating against native Anglos through state mandated multiculturalism.

If you publicly oppose this genocide, the state’s thugs will assault you and commit armed robbery against you in broad daylight. Your bank accounts will be closed against your will, you will lose your job, you will be arrested and falsely imprisoned. You will be treated like a terrorist.

On that note, let’s make another thing 100% clear. “Immigrants” are not being mass imported to ensure that the left can stay in power permanently because “immigrants” generally vote left. They are a foreign standing army which will be used by the government to repress organised political opposition to mass replacement immigration by native Anglos.

Anarcho-Tyranny is too kind a name for this system. It must be opposed, and we will win. Keeping praying, lifting and organising.

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