Are the new boat people arrivals an inside job?


Just as Australia faces multiple crises of inflation, housing affordability and homelessness due to unprecedented mass immigration, a handful of boat people arrive in northern WA. How convenient:

More than 40 asylum seekers have been taken to Nauru after they were found in a remote part of Western Australia.

Guardian Australia has confirmed a second group of 13 asylum seekers was found at an Indigenous campsite at Pender Bay, about an hour after a group of 30 men were found at Beagle Bay on Friday.

You’ve gotta laugh. You dream of moving to a Western paradise where the police will let you get away with whatever you want. Instead you land smack bang in the middle of this:

Authorities believe both groups arrived on the same boat, although Pender Bay is about 25km north of where the first group was found. According to the Australian and the Sun Herald, the group includes 12 Bangladeshis and one Indian man.

On Sunday the prime minister, Anthony Albanese, told reporters in Nowra that Operation Sovereign Borders was being implemented….

The Australian Border Force said on Friday that it was “undertaking an operation in the north-west of Western Australia” but would not provide any more information while the operation was continuing.

We’re told that being a democracy means we have a say over how our country is run. But on the most important matters, we’re not even allowed to know. Wouldn’t you trade it all in for a king ordained by God who didn’t openly try to mutilate your kids?

Anyway, this raises the question – what’s changed?

Not border policy. Conveniently for both parties, each gets to play to their (shrinking) base. The Liberal Party appears strong on border protection, while Labor can accuse the Liberals of being mean to brown people.

What has changed is this.

Joel Davis nails it:

”The Australian border force shut these boat arrivals down for the best part of a decade, the only explanation for illegal aliens ending up on our shores again is sabotage of the border force by powerful elements within the government itself.

”Illegal immigration was a more or less solved issue in this country, its almost like the Labor government is trying to provide their “opposition” with a way to criticise them on immigration without actually being against their immigration policies. If illegal immigration is what is argued over then legal immigration can be ignored as the mainstream debate on immigration becomes focused upon “stopping the boats” when what actually matters is stopping the planes.”

Both Liberal and Labor need mass immigration because Australia no longer has an economy. We gave it for China for some reason. Our rulers need to keep growing GDP to avoid a recession, so literally their only solution is to traffic as many people into Australia as possible.

Australia’s modern domestic politics basically revolves around managing its native Anglo inhabitants while we’re replaced with new ones.

So, are the new boat people arrivals an inside job? Honestly I have no idea, although there is clear motive on both sides of politics. The point is that both Liberal and Labor are committing treason against White Australia, replacing us with whoever they can find. Both have to go, as does this farce called “democracy”.