Tories Break Immigration Records – Again


From Patriotic Alternative.

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) have just released their yearly immigration figures and nobody will be surprised to hear that the Tories are breaking records, again.

Net immigration for the year leading up to June 2022 was 606,000. This includes 52,000 Hong Kongers and 114,000 Ukrainians coming to Britain on humanitarian routes. This is an increase of 102,000 from their previous estimate for the year (published in November 2022) which was 504,000.

The new net immigration figure for the year ending December 2021 is 488,000 (the previous estimate was 397,000).

However, net immigration is not a great figure to rely on as it includes total people coming here minus total people leaving, so it doesn’t give a true picture of the demographic change happening within Britain. The total people coming to Britain was actually around 1.2 million!

These 1.2 million people break down as follows:

  • Non-EU nationals: 925,000
  • EU: 151,000
  • British: 88,000

The ONS report states:

Total long-term immigration was estimated at around 1.2 million in 2022, and emigration was 557,000, which means migration continues to add to the population with net migration at 606,000; most people arriving to the UK in 2022 were non-EU nationals (925,000), followed by EU (151,000) and British (88,000).

People coming to the UK from non-EU countries for work, study, and for humanitarian purposes, including unique events such as those arriving from Ukraine and Hong Kong, have contributed towards relatively high levels of immigration over the past 18 months; however, growth has slowed over recent quarters, potentially demonstrating the temporary nature of these impacts.

The composition of non-EU immigration changed in 2022, with 39% of people arriving for study related reasons, down from 47% in 2021; those arriving on humanitarian routes (including Ukrainian schemes) increased from 9% to 19% over the same period.

Evidence suggests that students typically stay for shorter periods than other migrants and that the majority leave at the end of their study; the latest data shows that those who arrived for study reasons in 2021 are now starting to leave, driving an increase in total emigration from 454,000 in 2021 to 557,000 in 2022.

Both a slowing of immigration and rising of emigration means that levels of net migration have levelled off in recent quarters; an estimated 606,000 more people arrived long-term to the UK than departed in YE December 2022, 118,000 higher than a year previously, but similar to levels in YE June 2022.

The improvement in methods means the previously published immigration estimate for YE June 2022 is revised upwards by 45,000 to 1,109,000, emigration downwards by negative 57,000 to 503,000, and net migration revised by 102,000 to 606,000.

Although the Tories are blaming their “inherited” net immigration figure, this is absolute rubbish. They have had 13 years to sort this mess out and things are getting worse and worse every day. These new figures are actually three times higher than what the Tories promised us in their 2019 manifesto! They need to be called out on their lies and deceit at every opportunity.