Victoria Police Defile Shrine Again: Harass EAM members on Anzac Day


Before I put up the photos from [Tuesday’s] ANZAC day service I want to tell you what happened.

Roughly 20 members of The European Australian Movement attended the Melbourne CBD service at the Shrine of Remembrance.

We watched the march and stayed for the speeches. During the last speaker, two plain clothes “Counter Terrorism police” (read as: Political Terror enforcers) came up behind us and asked one of our elder members a series of questions.

“What unit were we from?”
“What group were we?”
“What were we doing here?”
“Why were we here?”
“What are we planning?”

I instructed everyone else to continue facing the parade and to not be distracted or antagonised by the disrespectful enforcers.

Our older member in response to the incessant questioning simply stated “We are free citizens paying our respect to our ancestors”.

After this the speaker concluded, we all spoke “Lest We Forget” (excluding the political police who did not carry out the ritual), and the minute of silence began.

The bugle played, hats came off, heads went down and we remembered the fallen. Silence.

With one exception, the police radios behind us squeaked and there was chatter about “moving in”.

During the Minute of Silence, possibly the most sacred Ritual in Australia, roughly 100 regular and riot police mobilised on 3 flanks around 20 White Australian men.

I have never been more disgusted with the scum faggot Victoria Police in my entire life.

These scum parade in uniform on madigras, they bring faggot pride flags to the shrine, they even tear gassed and attacked freedom rally people at the shrine in 2021. But somehow this was worse, in full view of the public, they mobilised a kettle around us, during the minute’s silence.

They couldn’t wait til after. All the “who’s who” of Victorian politics was there. All the jew loving zionist scum who are trying to ban our existence, and it is clear they are so petrified by our presence despite being there for 4 hours, they moved on us the minute they worked out we were there.

We have tolerated this scum for too long. They desecrate the halls of our ancestors with shrines to faggotry. They insult the memory of the ANZACs, every year with speeches on Aboriginal ethno-Nationalism, feminism, globalism, equality, sodomy bullshit.

We put up with this for hours, and do so every year. But this year after the ceremony, we walked off, the police still surrounding us, and I made a speech at the edge of the park before the Shrine on St Kilda road.

We had a few dozen random bystanders follow us, in some ways kettling in the police kettle, who then stopped to listen when I spoke at the bottom of the stairs.

After the speech we had members of the public thank us, and say that many agree with us but are too afraid to make that public because of how the System uses the police against us.

I went to sleep knowing that this faggot Globalist system only remains in power through tyranny. That everyday Australians secretly support us and march with us on the other side of the police line.

Every true blooded Australian who knows what the ANZACs fought for is sick of the humiliation ritual, they are watching us very closely, and are waiting to join us… “maybe when we are a little bigger.”

You can find Thomas Sewell at Telegram.