You thought it was over, didn’t you. The Covid Tyrants were practically begging us for mercy.

Then came the one-two punch.

Covid is forever:

A high school in Sydney’s north-west has closed for the rest of the week after reporting one third of its staff had tested positive to COVID-19.

Tangara School for Girls, in Cherrybrook, today informed parents it made the “difficult decision” to move years 7 to 11 to remote learning until Friday or “until further notice”.

In a letter shared with Nine Radio, the school stated only one student case was currently known but this measure would “avoid the risk of further transmission”.

The rest of the school remains open, including admin and primary classes, it says.

“Over the weekend one-third of our secondary staff have tested positive to COVID-19 placing pressure on teaching, supervision and operational needs at our school,” the letter states.

It goes on to say one secondary student had tested positive, and encourage parents to test their children if they develop symptoms.

Tangara said it received “prudent” advice from NSW Health and the Association of Independent Schools before the decision was made.

“We also want to assure you that these decisions are never made lightly,” the letter says.

This is how it starts. Lock a school down, gauge the reaction. Measure the proportion of the population which reacts hysterically and queues for boosters, and the proportion which mobilises online and in real life to oppose a new wave of lockdowns.

It could well just be a scare campaign to push the boosters.

They’re still trying to make money off this.

Kerry Chant warned earlier this week that we’re all going to die from a new wave, so a school lockdown gives them some back up.

I genuinely hope they try it, Australia will go into revolution.

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