Trans Ban: Men barred from swimming against women


Technically, the term “trans” is a complete misnomer. There is no such thing as a “trans” man or a “trans” woman. There are people who mutilate their bodies and there are people who do not mutilate their bodies:

Swimming’s world governing body, Fina, has voted to bar transgender women from elite female competitions if they have experienced any part of male puberty, in a seismic decision that sets it apart from most Olympic sports.

The decision, decided by 71% of the vote of 152 national federations at the world championships in Budapest, followed a report from a Fina scientific panel which found that trans women retained a significant advantage over cisgender female swimmers even after reducing their testosterone levels through medication.

In a new 34-page policy document, Fina said that male-to-female transgender athletes could now compete in the women’s category only “provided they have not experienced any part of male puberty beyond Tanner Stage 2 [which marks the start of physical development], or before age 12, whichever is later”.

It took them 34 pages?

Commenting on the policy the Fina president, Husain al-Musallam, said: “We have to protect the rights of our athletes to compete, but we also have to protect competitive fairness at our events, especially the women’s category at Fina competitions.”

Fina has promised to create a working group to establish an “open” category for trans women in some events as part of its new policy.

“Fina will always welcome every athlete,” added Musallam. “The creation of an open category will mean that everybody has the opportunity to compete at an elite level. This has not been done before, so Fina will need to lead the way.”

I love watching woke institutions tie themselves in knots whenever two competing woke interest groups butt heads. It is one of the things which keeps sane people sane in clownworld, watching the insane tear at each others’ throats while we eat our popcorn.

This creation of an “open” category is a Pandora’s Box which will fill many popcorn eating hours. Every solution you try to find to a problem which is caused by a denial of natural law, but does not return to natural law, will just create more problems.

This axiom has been passed down from generation to generation in our society. We even made silly nursery rhymes to transmit our ancient wisdom:

While the schadenfreude is fun for now, this tiny victory must be capitalised on. The decision to ban some men from women’s sport is based primarily on a liberal principle – women’s “rights”.

We must return to traditional, patriarchal Christian morality and push to completely expel mutilated perverts from society. The next step in this process is to remove their access to children by continued activism against so-called “drag queen story hour” and the removal of all perverted propaganda from the education system.

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