SHAME SHAME SHAME: Coles, Woolworths & BHP Keep Vaccine Mandate


Maybe they were so busy virtue signalling over priDE MONth that they hadn’t noticed that Covid has stopped being a thing:

Coles and Woolworths have joined BHP in choosing to retain rules requiring employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19 — even after the State Government’s jab mandate ends for most workers.

It’s understood there will be no change to the Woolworths Group’s current vaccine policy, meaning all staff will need to have at least two doses of the vaccine.

The rule covers both Woolworths supermarkets and Big W staff.

Coles nationally still requires staff to get the COVID-19 vaccine, unless they have a valid medical exemption.

As if their monopolistic practices, screwing over of Aussie farmers and making us pay for plastic bags wasn’t enough, here is another reason to boycott the two supermarket giants. Given the coordinated approach by governments, corporations and international NGO’s to disrupt our food supply, it has never been a better time to get to know a few farmers and to grow our own food.

BHP confirmed on Thursday that it would continue to lock out unvaccinated employees.

From Friday, all employees, job applicants, and visitors seeking access to sites or offices are still required to have at least two doses of a COVID vaccine.

BHP said its decision to maintain the strict vaccination mandate was based on its own assessment of the latest science and health advice.

The latest science and health advice tells us that Australia’s mortality rate spiked in January 2022 by 20% and in February by 17%. Heart issues, cancer and Alzheimers are all up and the finger is pointed squarely at the jabs. It is only a matter of time before official enquiries reveal the true extent of the damage caused by the vaccines, and heads are going to roll.

Post June 10, WA’s mandatory vaccination policy only applies to those people working with the State’s most vulnerable in order to protect them from severe disease. This includes healthcare, aged care and disability care workers.

Big employers choosing to drop the mandate include Rio Tinto and Woodside Energy.

The government’s vaccine mandate triggered noisy protests by FIFO workers and others when announced in late-2021, however it is understood all but 2-3 per cent had got the jab.

They keep trying to tell us a tiny proportion of people remain unvaccinated. It’s nonsense. If this was the case, they would never have lifted the mandates because there would have been no downside in keeping them. They lifted the vaccine mandates because business and industry needs us. We outlasted them, despite the threats:

They had to throw out millions of vaccine doses around the world because nobody was getting the “booster”.

The lifting of the vaccine mandates is a tribute to people power. As Adam Piggott has rightly pointed out, those of us who drew a line in the sand to remain pureblooded can give ourselves a pat on the back.

One way we can build on this success is to place coordinated and persistent pressure on the big corporations who maintain the vaccine mandate to drop them. Governments may be trying to outsource the mandates, or the mega corporations may be trying to maintain them for their own woke reasons – it must be made clear that this is unacceptable.

The Lying Press keeps feeding us the 2-3% figure because they don’t want us to know how powerful we really are.

Millions of Aussies marched for months around Australia against the mandates, and we were only stopped when Scott Morrison’s government used an experimental, military grade sound weapon on civilians.

Consider that a handful of well connected and well funded environmental extremist freaks has been able to convince entire industries to stop investing in coal in their insane jihad to send Australia back to the stone age.

If only a small proportion of the activists who opposed the vaccine mandates can work together, we can organise mass boycotts of companies which persist with the inhumane vaccine mandates.

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