Covid Vaccines Causing HEPATITIS In Children


The Lying Press is reporting that a “mystery” strain of Hepatitis is sweeping the globe, affecting up to 200 children and killing one. Apparently, nobody has any idea where it came from so it’s probably Covid or something:

From the Daily Mail:

A child has died of suspected hepatitis in the US, with six states now investigating cases of the mystery illness sweeping the world.

Wisconsin’s Department of Health Services announced four youngsters have been struck down with unusual liver damage. One died and another needed a transplant, officials said.

If the death is confirmed to be down to the unusual type of hepatitis, it would be the first confirmed in the US and second in the world.

Cases of the peculiar illness have already been spotted in Alabama, North Carolina and Delaware. Health chiefs in Illinois and New York are currently probing reports of similar occurrences.

In total, there have been at least 20 suspected cases in the US.

Dr Anthony Fauci, chief medical advisor to President Joe Biden, said the cause of the illness is ‘still a mystery’.

A mystery, huh?

Nearly 200 children have been sickened by the condition across the world in up to 14 countries. At least 18 have needed liver transplants….

Medics have been left puzzled by what is behind the spate of cases — with the usual hepatitis A, B, C, D and E viruses excluded from laboratory test results.

Health chiefs believe the illness may be triggered by an adenovirus, which usually causes common colds.

Dr Fauci told Bloomberg: ‘It’s still a mystery. It seems to be associated with adenovirus, but it isn’t a slam dunk.’ …..

Experts say lockdowns may have weakened the immunity of children and left them more susceptible to the virus, or it may be a mutated version.

Investigations are ongoing but officials have yet to rule out a new Covid variant being to blame.

Another theory is that children may have been battling the adenovirus at the same time as Covid.

UK health officials have ruled out the Covid vaccine as a possible cause, with none of the ill British children having been vaccinated because of their young age.

We don’t believe you. These people aren’t simply playing dumb, they are outright lying. Several studies have demonstrated a clear link between the Covid vaccine and liver damage, ie hepatitis.

From the Daily Expose:

A new scientific study published 21st April 2022, has concluded that Covid-19 vaccination can elicit a distinct T cell-dominant immune-mediated hepatitis (liver inflammation) with a unique pathomechanism associated with vaccination-induced antigen-specific tissue-resident immunity requiring systemic immunosuppression.

The findings come just days after the World Health Organization issued a ‘global alert’ about a new form of severe hepatitis affecting children; and after the UK Government announced it was launching an urgent investigation after detecting higher than usual rates of liver inflammation (hepatitis) among children, after having ruled out the common viruses that cause the condition.

On April 15 2022, the World Health Organization issued a global alert about a new form of severe acute Hepatitis with an unknown aetiology (cause) affecting previously healthy children in the UK over the last month. Cases have also been notified in Spain and Ireland. Tests have excluded all previously known Hepatitis viruses.

The announcement came after the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) recently detected higher than usual rates of liver inflammation (hepatitis) in children.

As of 25th April, the hepatitis infections had been confirmed to have hit children in twelve different countries, with the majority of those cases spiking in the UK. At least 169 cases had been reported by this date, and 17 children had required a liver transplant. Sadly, as of 25th April, 1 child had unfortunately lost their life.

Hepatitis is a condition that affects the liver and may occur for a number of reasons, including several viral infections common in children. However, in the cases under investigation, the common viruses that cause hepatitis have not been detected….

A previous study conducted on behalf of Pfizer in the latter half of 2020, found that the contents of the Covid-19 injections and the spike protein that they instruct a person’s cells to produce, do not remain at the injection site, and instead circulate to all parts of the body for a minimum of 48 hours. However, the time that they circulate/accumulate could be much longer, but the scientists who conducted the study only took observations for 48 hours.

The largest concentration of the Pfizer Covid-19 injection was observed in the liver, with 16% of the administered dose being observed in the organ after 48 hours.

So they have known for a year and a half that Covid vaccines can cause hepatitis. But you know, mystery and all that.

It’s a mystery.

Now, a new study, published 21st April 2022, has concluded that Covid-19 vaccination can elicit a CD8 T-cell dominant hepatitis.

The study has been conducted by high level scientists from the Universities of Freiburg and Munich in Germany:

In Layman’s terms, what the scientists discovered is that liver inflammation (hepatitis) can occur in some individuals after vaccination and shares some typical features with autoimmune liver disease.

This is caused by highly activated T cells (also called T lymphocyte, a type of leukocyte [white blood cell] that is an essential part of the immune system) accumulating in the different areas of the liver.

Within these liver infiltrating T-cells is an enrichment of T-cells that are reactive to SARS-CoV-2, suggesting Covid-19 vaccine-induced cells are contributing to liver inflammation.

The NHS began rolling out the Pfizer Covid-19 injection to five million 5 to 11-year-old children in the UK at the beginning of April 2022. It had previously been administering it to young children deemed vulnerable since the end of 2021.

Note that they said the kids with hepatitis hadn’t been jabbed due to their young age – they’re lying.

To summarise, top health officials in England and America are pretending that there are no studies showing a link between hepatitis and Covid vaccines when in fact there are now at least two studies. How many more have been suppressed, one wonders.

Similarly, they are pretending that they have no idea what has caused the spike in heart attacks globally, particularly young men.

The vaccines are literally killing our children and the people pushing them are getting away with it.

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