Don’t hold the line: Move the line


After seeing, being involved in and speaking at peaceful protests for the last two years, it is my opinion that they won’t succeed in stopping the Globalist Agenda from from being implemented. However they do still serve a purpose, need to run their course and must be completely exhausted before any non-peaceful options are considered by people in leadership roles.

As I have stated many times, growing frustration and desperation by individuals will eventually see some snap and lash out violently and that this cannot be prevented. Nor should leaders of the resistance condemn such people when they emerge. A statement of “we advocate for peaceful resistance only, but the government is entirely to blame for pushing people to the limit. We cannot expect that every individual will have the self control 100% of the time that we expect of people in our movement. The government shares the blame with the individual for what happened here and we put responsibility squarely on their shoulders”, will suffice. It is as much cucking as anyone should do, if some retail worker or other gets punched in the face for refusing someone service for not wearing a mask or showing their vaccine passport.

Don’t expect the majority of prominent speakers at rallies to follow my advice though. Most are much more wedded to the ideal and self image of holier than than “muh peaceful protests” than they are to achieving any tangible results. The longer it takes to win, the longer they get to stay in the spotlight. Like the aboriginal welfare industry, it is not in the interest of those working in it to solve the issue and put themselves out of business. The more ineffective they are, the bigger their organisation can become.

Luckily those currently being used by the parasites in the freedom movement do not have incentives to remain as a host in the way that aboriginals have. We are all looking for results, not handouts. With that in mind, let us examine peaceful resistance and what place it has in the political process.

There are only two reasons to advocate for what you want peacefully. First, is because you are a Christian and wish to emulate and follow God’s example of dealing with sinners. Second, is because violence looks like it would be less effective in moving you towards your goal of victory at this point in time.

People in power don’t just give up power because you ask them nicely. Nor do they change their policies for any other reason than to retain power. Most people in the West are under the illusion that politicians step down after a lost election because they respect the democratic process. No, they step down because they fear being arrested or killed if they don’t. It is because there is enough of a perception that the army or police will step in, if that rule isn’t followed, that they abide by it. Not to mention the fact that politicians aren’t the ones with the ultimate power and losing an election, generally just means being shuffled into a different role within the Globalist bureaucracy and being nicely compensated for their previous service. But if they could get away with keeping power after a lost election, they would. If they can get away with rigging an election, they will, as we have seen in the USA. Make no mistake, Trump has also been nicely compensated for keeping his supporters peaceful and ineffective. Trump didn’t feel he could personally get away with defying the cabal either. The Presidency is only an upper management level role.

Currently most Christian Churches are vessels of the State not followers of Christ. They preach only peaceful opposition to tyranny, not because it is the Word of God but because lying about the Word of God by omission prevents any opposition to those in power from being effective.

God’s way of dealing with sinners is not only morally righteous for us to emulate it is also practically effective and logically compatible with human nature and human civilisation. Christ is the Truth, the Way and the Life in everything, not just on a spiritual level.

Christ teaches His followers to treat their fellow man the way God treats His children in Old Testament scripture. Specifically He points out that violent punishment and complete destruction is always dished out after plenty of opportunities to reform and multiple indignities performed upon Himself by man have been endured. God first turns the other cheek after being slapped. God loves his enemies as He loves Himself. He treats us as He wants to be treated. He exhausts all peaceful options first. Destruction is done out of necessity not preference. He is the only one who gets to use the concept of “for the greater good”. Only He has that perfect judgement.

Importantly, God doesn’t do anything in half measures. He is peaceful or He is not. The wages of sin is death. All sin. Great or small. Christ’s sacrifice and resurrection buys you time. Repent, accept Him and be reformed or die and go to Hell. Note, the commandment fear only God reigns in effectiveness.

On a practical level emulating how God actually treats us when dealing with His enemies, rather than following what fake blasphemous preachers tells us about what Christ is teaching us (being 100% peaceful until you are not) accomplishes a few things. First, moral high ground is secured. This in turn grows support and deepens community cohesiveness and fellowship. Determination not to submit to evil grows. Numbers grow and focus intensifies. This then leads to greater nervousness amongst the enemy. They rule with a monopoly on violence and it is the threat of future violence unto themselves that will either cause them to back down or persecute those who they think are a threat to their power. (In the case of the enemies of God, they persecute Gods messengers, prophets and followers).

So this is the first mistake of the peaceful protest leadership. They push a message of peaceful until their enemies back down, instead of a message of we are being peaceful to give you every opportunity to change your ways before you are destroyed. And to be truly effective it must be a message of being destroyed by God not destroyed by them personally or by their followers. Confess! Repent! Believe! Or else! There is no need to commit the sin of Pride and push false bravado about the “or else” being administered by you or your group. They already know that God often uses people to be His instruments of justice in this world. This can be inferred. This can be warned of. But it should never be claimed as a specific threat from you. The only specific thing you should ever threaten anyone with is with damnation if they don’t confess, repent and believe in Christ and his resurrection. We don’t know what tools God will use to correct things in this world. He may call on you to take up arms and wipe out His enemies to the last man, woman, child and oxen. He may get someone else to do it. Or He may do it Himself. But it will be done. God always wins in the end.

Currently Canadian truckers and their supporters are trying to both stay peaceful and physically oppose being moved on by police. “Hold the line” is the cry. In Canberra it’s the same. Riot police with horses, batons and rubber bullets terrorise Canadians. Sonic cannons and EM weapons brutalise Australians. Why? Why “hold the line”? What’s so special about the line? Is the goal peaceful protest or is the goal violent opposition? As long as we are still in the peaceful phase, move on when they say move on and set up the bouncy castle on the next street over. Then the next street, then the next, then the next, until you make your way back to the original street again. Don’t engage with violence unless you can win and don’t do violence unless that victory is going to be permanent. Police riot gear is heavy. Police much prefer to confront people in one place, crack a few skulls and clock off for a beer afterwards. They don’t want to be marching all day following a crowd that just won’t stay still. Too many doughnut cafes have closed and there aren’t enough calories around to support their supply lines.

So don’t hold the line. Move the line. Re-establish the line in a new location and make the police work to engage in violence with you. Any physical opposition to police even just failing to move when they pull out a gun and say move, is violent opposition in the minds of police, politicians and the general public. You’ve heard often enough by police apologists “if they only did as they were told this wouldn’t happen to them.” So prove that perception wrong. It is the attacking of civilians who are not physically trying to impede police that gains sympathy and support. It is those actions repeated again and again that show our enemies to be irredeemable and in need of destruction. The more their violence is shown to be one sided the more support grows for retribution. And most importantly, the more retribution is feared.

It will likely be a tiny minority who are called upon by God to violent revolution. All peaceful options will have to be exhausted first to be effective. They and the peaceful activists will have turned back to God to be effective. The moral high ground must be reclaimed and reclaimed under the name of Christ. Always the message of Salvation must be preached. God is the ultimate carrot and stick. God prefers to use the carrot. God does not hold back when He has to use the stick. He will beat one donkey to death in front of the others so that the others don’t need to ever get the stick themselves. Fear of God is enough. He loves them and rewards their worship and obedience.

Let the freedom movement turn back to God and emulate His ways as best we can. He is completely peaceful until He isn’t. Our enemy needs to know this and so do we.

You can find Stephen Wells at Telegram and purchase his books here.