Affirmative Consent will soon be The Law in Victoria


The translation of the following is “lesbians write laws which they hope will make it harder for men to have sex with pretty women in the vain hope that it will make the pretty women want to sleep with said lesbians”:

People in Victoria will have to make sure their sexual partners are consenting or risk committing a crime, under proposed changes to the law.

Attorney-General Jaclyn Symes on Friday announced changes to the Crimes Act, to specify a person must confirm they have received consent for sexual activity.

The government will also amend laws to make it explicit that stealthing – the removal of a condom or other protection during sex without the other person’s knowledge or consent – is a crime.

The amendments will be introduced in 2022 and were recommended by the Victorian Law Reform Commission…

It comes as a bill to introduce a requirement for “affirmative consent” passed NSW’s lower house this week.

If it passes the upper house, the NSW Crimes Act will be changed to specify that consent to sexual activity must be communicated by words or action, rather than assumed.

If consent isn’t communicated, the other person could be guilty of sexual assault.

The irony is that the typer of people who invent these crazy laws are generally the worst kind of abusers.

Marxists unleashed the so-called “Sexual Revolution” upon the West in the 1960’s in order to destroy White families and our connection to Christ. They exploited the motto of “free love”. Basically they used boobs to sell communism.

You might think that instituting a policy which intends to put a roadblock in the way of people having sex with each other goes against this “free love” motto. However, if you view it in terms of inciting animosity between the sexes and increasing the institutional barriers to ordinary men and women meeting and trusting each other, it makes perfect sense.

The goal of the Marxist “Sexual Revolution” was always to undermine of the pillars of Western Civilisation and to reduce the White birthrate.

Ultimately this is an own goal. It will harm both men and women invested in pick-up culture and general degeneracy. It reinforces the benefits of marriage and establishing a family, and basing strong marriages and strong families on our commitment to God rather than the whims of the State.

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