In the state of Victoria, Australia, it’s becoming a little difficult to ignore the fact that some of the harshest virus lock-down measures in the world are being implemented for some of the lowest case numbers and fatalities in that very same world, and that it’s all being enforced by an all to often violent, and sometimes mysterious state police force.
While it goes without saying that elderly lives matter, do a daily handful of elderly deaths really warrant the shutdown of one of Australia’s busiest cities?
Clearly something is rotten in the State of Victoria.
What is the Strong Cities Network (SCN)?
In trying to understand why Australia, and Victoria in particular, seem to be coming under an unusual, and unnecessarily heavy police-state, dig a little deeper, and it becomes obvious as to what’s happening.
In 2018 Victorian state Premier Daniel Andrews sold out Victoria to an initiative called the Strong Cities Network (SCN). Moreover, Melbourne, under Premier Andrews’ leadership, was host to SCN’s 2018 global summit, the same year Andrews signed over the entire state of Victoria to the globalist initiative.

So what is the Strong Cities Network? The SCN is a now five-year-old program that claims;
“The Strong Cities Network is the first ever global network of mayors, policymakers and practitioners united in building social cohesion and resilience to counter violent extremism in all its forms. “
On the surface that sounds great, right? Nobody wants to see violent extremism on the loose, however, the devil is in the details – “violent extremism” is another one of these nebulous terms that can be applied to anything, such as an uprising against tyranny, or those with the ‘wrong’ political views, such as anyone right of Stalin in 2020.
So the focus of these initiatives may appear to be countering dangerous extremism, but their definition of extremism, and their focus, is the populist right, as well as opposition to the globalist agenda. After all, we’ve seen 3 months of some very violent extremism in the States at the hands of neo-marxists, yet the SCN have been nowhere to be seen.
The SCN is governed by global NGO’s, and aims to share policing tactics and intelligence, provide oversight, and essentially establish military-level equipped privatized police forces, all of which they don’t do, according to their myth-busting PDF. The lady doth protest too much.
Victoria is the only state in Australia to have signed on thus far, as can be seen in SCN’s list of member cities. Strangely, The entire STATE of Victoria is mentioned as a member in this list of cities. Victoria is a state, and not a city.
SCN’s influence over Victoria’s police may explain the Police’s response at Melbourne’s Freedom Day Rally, wherein many police acted violently, and with a sense of impunity when beating people. Some police were dressed in black with black riot-squad like vehicles, and didn’t have the Australian police logo on their uniforms. Instead they have a rectangular patch on their backs, easily removed or changed, as it is attached with Velcro. The patches differ in colour, and seem to me to be more for the purpose of tactical identification in the field amongst the different Public Order Response Unit squads.
Victoria police are always dressed in navy blue, with the insignia on the shoulder. The sinister, black dystopian uniforms and vehicles seem to be a new addition to Australia, and they’re known as the Public Order Response Unit. These ‘black shirts’ are SCN.

There are now countless disturbing videos online of Victoria Police going inexplicably to far in their lockdown policing duties, going as far as to kick people in the head, arrest pregnant women at home, harass more pregnant women out for exercise, choking people, kicking down people’s doors, smashing car windows to drag citizens out of their cars, storming the iconic Victoria market in full riot gear, and generally behaving like a certain gang of enforcers in Germany during the 1930’s, drawing attention and serious concern globally.
Who runs the Strong Cities Network (SCN)?
So who runs the Strong Cities Network? SCN is an initiative of London-based think tank; the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD) – whose mission statement is to “Power Solutions to Extremism and Polarisation” – again more vague language that can’t be quantified, but can be applied to whatever public activity they choose.
So who’s the Institute for Strategic dialogue (ISD)? From ISD’s site;
“Founded in 2006, ISD is now the leading global ‘think and do’ tank dedicated to understanding and innovating real-world responses to the rising tide of polarisation, hate and extremism of all forms. We combine anthropological research, expertise in international extremist movements and an advanced digital analysis capability that tracks hate, disinformation and extremism online, with policy advisory support and training to governments and cities around the world. We also work to empower youth and community influencers internationally through our pioneering education, technology and communications programmes.“
An archived page that has now been scrubbed from the ISD’s website makes explicit in the language that the SCN belongs to ISD.
Dig a little deeper into the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD), specifically their ‘Partners and Funders‘ funding page (whole section now scrubbed – links to archived copies), and then things start to make sense; it’s a who’s who of globalists. Under the ‘Foundations‘ sub-section, you’ll find George Soros’ Open Society Foundations, under ‘NGO’s‘ you’ll find United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and those familiar with the true agenda of the totally corrupt UN will not be surprised to see them involved, and the usual suspects are lurking in the section titled ‘Private Sector‘; Facebook, Google, Twitter, Microsoft, etc.
But perhaps most disturbing for Victorians is that under the section ‘Academic Institutions‘ on the now scrubbed Partners and Funders page on ISD’s website; only 5 academic establishments are listed globally, yet two of them are Australian Universities. And listed in the ‘Governments and Intergovernmental Organisations’ section is ‘Department of Premier and Cabinet, Victoria, Australia’ – Premier Dan Andrews.
And of course George Soros is involved with his insidious Open Society Foundations, along with nefarious Big Tech, but in addition, among ‘NGO’s and Think Tanks’ on ISD’s partners page is the dubious Brookings Institute, as well as Chatham House, and the UK’s RUSI – all NGO’s with the same mission statements; to influence public debate, and counter ‘extreme dialogue’, ‘hate speech’, ‘far-right extremism’ etc – all euphemisms for anticipated dissent. Of course, trying to find any sort of definition of ‘hate speech’ or ‘extreme dialogue’ on their websites is a fruitless task, as again, the language is deliberately vague so it may be applied when needed.
The SCN riot squad never seem to be around when far-left extremism is on the loose though, such as the ongoing rioting. I’m sure a deep-dive into some of these NGOs would connect Bill & Melinda Gates and the Rockefeller Foundations everywhere. What we’re seeing is the globalists’ parallel governance network and structure at work, undermining the nation state, as they have been doing for a very long time, and as always, on the sly.
So as Australia recently discovered, the curfews and lock-downs in Victoria are not based on the Chief Health Officer’s advice, but rather Premier Andrews put them in place of his own accord.
Andrews has always been very interested in top-down authoritarian style governance – in 2016 Premier Andrews toured the New York Police Department’s ‘Real Time Crime Center‘ surveillance facility during a visit to the United States, tweeting that soon Victoria will have ‘one of our own’;
The NYPD Real Time Crime Center keeps New Yorkers safe. Next year, we’ll have one of our own in Victoria. #springst
— Dan Andrews (@DanielAndrewsMP) May 30, 2016
In 2017 Victoria Police were set to bring in the twenty-four hour system to Australia, with a new $15 million Monitoring and Assessment Centre, modelled on the New York center. In addition to all of this, Andrews allocated almost $600 million AUD as part of a ‘public safety package’ in the 2016-17 budget. This was in addition to the $2 billion already spent on 3,200 new police officers.
What was Andrews preparing for?
The Australian Freedom Alliance, 13/Sept, 2020;
Andrews spent $2.6 Billion of tax-payer’s money on stocking up on surveillance, riot equipment, and 3,200 extra police, then once in place he handed Victoria over to the globalists.
Do you still Stand with Dan and his absolutely remarkable Nostradamus-like foresight?
Police are preparing to launch their aerial arsenal as part of a crackdown on COVID rule breakers. High powered drones will be used to find people not wearing masks, and cars too far from home. @tdolling #7NEWS
— 7NEWS Melbourne (@7NewsMelbourne) August 17, 2020
Belt & Road Initiative link?
Commentator Robert Bridge drew attention in his August article; ‘Letters From Melbourne, a ‘Ghost Town Police State’ Under Brutal Covid Lockdown‘, to the fact that cities and countries that have signed on to China’s Belt & Road Initiative seem to be not only hit hardest by the virus, but all enthusiastically followed China’s instruction and embraced heavy lock-downs based on little or no scientific data. Italy would be another prime example.
Michael Spenger details China’s campaign to sell lock-down to the world in his excellent article; China’s Global Lockdown Propaganda Campaign.
Anika Stojkovski, a corporate compliance and governance consultant, based in Melbourne, wrote the following to Robert Bridge in an email;
“I sensed there was something very wrong with all this and predicted what is happening now,”…“I could tell they were lying.”
“I really think there is more to it and it is all about total control and heading towards the agenda for us all to be vaccinated… [Victorian Premier Dan] Andrews says he wants every man, woman and child vaccinated. There is no vaccine!! So will we be kept in isolation till when?”
Speaking on the medical situation in the city, Stojkovski was struck by the fact that; “all consulting rooms in hospitals are closed, and all appointments are conducted by specialists by phone.”
“This still doesn’t add up … they are not admitting to hospital for Covid unless severely ill with life threatening symptoms, while most people cannot be tested for the virus without traveling beyond the 5-kilometer point.”
Anika Stojkovski – corporate compliance and governance consultant, Melbourne
Andrews has a long and close relationship with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), ensuring that it’s China who fills contracts for Victorian infrastructure and manufacturing deals, but yet he has always been very secretive about who he meets with in Beijing, and what is discussed.
Asked why the memorandum of understanding (MoU) agreement between Victoria and Beijing needed to be secret, Mr Andrews said “That’s the way all memorandums of understanding work and we’re not about the change that policy,”.
In terms of geopolitical significance, this is huge; Victoria is the only Australian state to formally sign on to China’s Belt and Road Initiative, and as far as Australia is concerned, this contradicts the position of the Federal Government to not join the BRI, as it raised serious geo-strategic concerns.
According to a report by the Australian Institute of International Affairs, the BRI Framework Agreement “places Victoria in an awkward position as Australia has formally signed onto the ‘Blue Dot Network’ with the US to assist in developing infrastructure in the Indo-Pacific region to counter the BRI.” The Blue Dot Network is perceived as a counter to China’s Belt and Road Initiative.
There is talk of the Australian Federal Government cancelling Victoria’s secretive BRI agreement, and in response, Andrews has vowed to double down on Victoria’s commitment to the BRI. At the very least, the timing of an agreement between Victoria and communist China, happening just months before the economic shutdown of Melbourne over a minuscule increase in C19 deaths, is curious.
Victorians should spend less time listening to Andrews on contact tracing, and more time on tracing the contacts of Andrews.

Project Gen V;
But what I missed in November 2017 was the exciting news announced by Premier Dan Andrews in this Facebook post (now deleted);
His post linked to an article behind a paywall that outlined project Gen V, which aims to track the lives of babies from the time they’re born until their old age to identify causes of disease and complete interventional trials and prevention of disease. And guess what; along the way they’re creating a huge database, specifically of baby’s born in Victoria between 2020 and 2021. Coincidently, another government that has accelerated collection of citizens DNA recently is The Chinese Communist Party. (Victorians – I did some digging and it appears you can opt-out of this program, but you must articulate it).
So to summarize; Dan Andrews, with his extended powers of lockdown until late 2021, is turning Victoria into a prison, along with the destroying personal freedoms and liberties, and all before your newborn baby’s foot ever touches the earth, and he stated the intention back in 2017.
*Update; According to James Newbury, Liberal member for Brighton; Dandrews is preparing to extend his State of Emergency laws which are due to end soon;
Daniel Andrews is secretly drafting new State of Emergency laws – as the current power ends soon.
The Government is using these powers to roll-out mandatory ‘no jab, no job’ policy.
Labor must release the draft, so Victorians know what is in the Government’s secret laws.
— James Newbury MP (@newbury3186) September 23, 2021
For what it’s worth – Victorian police must legally provide you with name, rank, and station, in writing, when requested under the Crimes Act 1958 – SECT 456AA. If they refuse to do so, or provide false information, they are guilty of an offense.

Originally published by Carter Heavy Industries on October 10, 2020, and updated regularly since. This article also featured in a video by Computing Forever.