Aussie Truckie Blockade Videos GO VIRAL


Two videos emerged yesterday of Aussie truckies appearing to be engaged in a blockade over vaccine passports. These videos have been copied, shared and viewed by hundreds of thousands of people on Telegram and Gab.

One video claims to have been recorded at 9:57 am, Saturday September 4 at Pottsville, NSW.

A line of trucks can clearly be seen either side of the overpass.

The line stretches as far as the eye can see.

Pottsville lies about 30-40 kilometres south of the Queensland border.

The overpass would be here.

The other video is taken from ground level inside a car. It could be at at the same location, as the driver states the road he is coming off to get onto the freeway – it sounds like “Cloffiers Creek Road” but he could mean Cudgera Creek Road.

The video also emerged yesterday, Saturday 4 September, 2021. It lasts about a minute and the line of trucks only ends at the end of the video. Note the Coles and Woolworths trucks involved.

It’s intriguing. The XYZ reported on this several days ago, sharing footage of trucks backed up on Australian roads.

We have advised people to take the footage with a grain of salt. The fact is, we still don’t know what is going on. There has been nothing in the Lying Press about this, but we know that the Lying Press lies, so it doesn’t mean that it isn’t really happening.

They did refer to a truckie dispute in the week leading up to the 31st, but they misleadingly claimed it was merely over “working conditions” and “casualisation of the workforce”. The working conditions at the heart of the dispute are the mandatory vaccine passports for “essential workers” to enter Queensland, invasive testing requirements, and ridiculous covid regulations such as being forbidden from using public restrooms.

There is a lot of information being shared on Telegram. Some good sites to go to are:

Aussie Truckies United:

Down the rabbit hole we go folks:

Senator Roberts Group Channel:

Lockstep Australia Group:

Naturally, claims are going back and forth. The claim is made that there are delays at every border town, and that you can check this by going to Google maps. This is countered with the claim that these are traffic accidents or hold ups from border Covid checkpoints.

People are sharing photos of Google maps, claiming that the red spots are being changed to show traffic accidents or roadworks. People are claiming that social media posts are being deleted and a media blackout is being enforced.

Pictures and videos of empty shelves in supermarkets are also being shared, making clear that they are from 2021, not from The Great Toilet Paper Panic of 2020. This has been countered with a photo of a letter from a supermarket claiming its supply chain has been disrupted due to workers having to self isolate.

As stated, it is still unclear what is going on. What would shed more light on the situation is if multiple people in the region were to investigate, take multiple videos and photos and post them on as many platforms as possible.

You can’t stop the signal.