SUICIDED filmmakers predict Covid, forced-vaccinations and civil-war 10 years ago .. Gray State


Check out this trailer for “Gray State”. Does it look familiar? Does it show the brave new world the west is entering? It was made ten years ago in 2012. A proof-of-concept trailer made by David Crowley, who shortly after completing this promo, reportedly “killed himself, his wife and daughter”. Thus the full movie was never made. The story behind all this is a real rabbit hole… There is an establishment documentary about the subject, which says it ended in “murder-suicide”, but there are many views out there to the contrary – that Gray State would be too accurate, too important and therefor the filmmakers must be stopped.

Crowley had been a soldier in Iraq and Afghanistan. Afterward, he had gone to film school.

The Battle Of Algiers is a movie from 1966, about armed revolution, that was successfully used as propaganda to stoke guerilla warfare movements:

From Wikipedia:

“The release of The Battle of Algiers coincided with the decolonization period and national liberation wars, as well as a rising tide of left-wing radicalism in Western nations in which a large minority showed interest in armed struggle. Beginning in the late 1960s, The Battle of Algiers gained a reputation for inspiring political violence; in particular, the tactics of urban guerrilla warfare and terrorism in the movie supposedly were copied by the Black Panthers, the Provisional Irish Republican Army, the Palestinian Liberation Organization and the Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front. The Battle of Algiers was apparently Andreas Baader’s favourite movie.”

In 2012 the filmmakers behind Gray State raised $63,000 on indiegogo to make their movie.. Would their film have become an American “The Battle Of Algiers” to inspire patriots fighting against a tyrannical Government?

This is how Crowley described his project:

“GRAY STATE SYNOPSIS: The world reels with the turmoil of war, geological disaster, and economic collapse, while Americans continue to submerge themselves in illusions of safety and immunity. While rights are sold for security, the federal government, swollen with power, begins a systematic takeover of liberty in order to bring about a New World Order.

“Americans, quarantined to militarized districts, become a population ripe for tyrannical control. Fearmongering, terrorism, police state, martial law, war, arrest, internment, hunger, oppression, violence, resistance – these are the terms by which Americans define their existence. Neighbor is turned against neighbor as the value of the dollar plunges to zero, food supplies are depleted, and everyone becomes a terror suspect. There are arrests. Disappearances. Bio attacks. Public executions of those even suspected of dissent. Even rumors of concentration camps on American soil.

“This is the backdrop to an unfolding story of resistance. American militias prepare for guerilla warfare. There are mass defections from the military as true Patriots attempt to rally around the Constitution and defend liberty, preparing a national insurgency against federal forces, knowing full well this will be the last time in history the oppressed will be capable of organized resistance.

“It is a time of transition, of shifting alliance, of mass awakening and mass execution. It is an impending storm, an iron-gray morning that puts into effect decades of over-comfort and complacency, and Americans wake up to an occupied homeland. It is a time of lists. Black list, white list, and those still caught in the middle, those who risk physical death for their free will and those who sell their souls to maintain their idle thoughts and easy comforts. It is in this Gray State that the perpetuation of human freedom will be contested, or crushed.

“Is it the near future, or is it the present? The Gray State is coming – by consent or conquest. This is battlefield USA.

“This is an independently produced concept trailer. We achieved our initial financial goals for the project – view the results at For additional details on where the project is now, ARCHIVED WEBSITE.

“Encompassing the world of conspiracy theory, economic collapse, global disaster, end-time prophecies, martial law, and growing civil unrest, GRAY STATE is a piercing look into the immediate future in which the withered remains of freedom are traded for an impression of security.

“GRAY STATE is the reality that can no longer be ignored. It is coming – by consent or conquest.. ”