NSN is not a terrorist organisation



With the release of ASIO’s annual threat assessment last night, and the extremism inquiry, it is necessary to once again clarify our position on terrorism. This topic has already taken up time and energy that would be better spent discussing our ideas and plans for the future, but is absolutely necessary to reiterate these points again and again, as we have been subject to a vicious, unrelenting smear campaign from the media and extremist politicians in the Labor and Greens parties.

We have never endorsed terrorism as a tactic, as it would not be of any use to us in achieving our long-term strategic goals—making Australian National Socialism a serious political force with National Socialist Network, and forming autonomous White Australian communities with the European Australian Movement.

It is useless on a psychological and political level, as it would alienate us from our natural support base. Unlike Europeans and Americans, Australians have never seen revolution and tend to think of politics in parliamentary terms. Organised political violence is simply not appealing to them, and will not win them to our cause.

Terrorism is also useless on a practical level. To have our men throw their lives away in suicidal attacks against the system and its non-White pets would be a waste of manpower. Those who have attained a real understanding of National Socialism are rare, and those who are willing to take action for their beliefs are even rarer. We need those good men to build our communities and put themselves on the line to spread our message, not to die or spend the rest of their lives in prison.

Pinprick terror attacks will do little to stop the system’s rule or accelerate its breakdown. This is because the enemy’s true weak point is not physical, but political and ideological. The system is very adept at crushing terror cells and other armed challengers, but its political foundations have decayed to the point where liberal democracy and capitalism are exhausted and discredited concepts. Only a tiny elite of plutocrats and their servants still cling to them, creating an illusion of consensus which fools only themselves. All that is required is a convincing alternative, and a determined political vanguard to back it up. One need only look at the US elites’ psychotic reaction to the Trump movement to see the truth of the matter.

The enemy wants a terrorist threat that he can crush and then move on. Instead, we have chosen to give him something far more dangerous to his long-term existence.

You can find NSN at Telegram.