Scum Deface Saint Patrick’s Cathedral


So much for the lockdown in Victoria.

Police surely would have known this was coming.

Yet they did nothing to stop it.

From SBS:

Cardinal George Pell has wasted no time getting on with life after acquittal, leaving inner-Melbourne this morning.

After waking on his first day of freedom in more than a year, Cardinal Pell left the Carmelite Monastery in the city’s east, headed for Sydney.

The framing, always with the framing. We know what you’re doing, SBS.

His swift departure comes as police investigate the vandalism of Melbourne’s St Patrick’s Cathedral.

“Rot in Hell Pell” and “no justice” was emblazoned on the doors of the cathedral, which was at the centre of allegations the cardinal abused two choirboys in the 1990s. The words “the law protects the powerful” were also spray-painted on the cathedral forecourt.

A child’s tricycle was also fixed to the gate of the Carmelite Monastery.

They really did a number on them Catholics.


It just becomes more and more apparent that this politics of Cultural Marxism is a pure politics of envy and hatred, and nothing whatsoever to do with compassion for victims or whatever they dress it up as. It is simply a blatant fact.

So, how do you get to vandalise the most important Catholic cathedral in Melbourne, in the CBD, in the middle of an unprecedented lockdown due to a pandemic, when L-platers are being pulled over and people are being fined for playing neighbourhood cricket, the day after Australia’s most important Catholic is acquitted of trumped up, state sponsored charges?

Because it’s state sponsored.