XYZ Live #93 – God Bless Israel Folau Part 2!


Israel Folau has made the completely unremarkable statement that bushfires are a sign of God’s punishment on Australia for enacting homosexual marriage into law and engaging in the genocide known by the weasel word “abortion”. In this livestream we make the case that what Israel Folau said is 100% Biblical, and that while individuals who died or lost property are unfairly affected, Australia as a nation is suffering as a result of our leaders’ idolatry to the Green religion.

It also turns out that Donald Trump actually has an advisor who wants to put America first. Makes a nice change from all the neocons. Naturally, the Guardian has a problem with this.

Once again we had a long debate over propertarianism, Matty arguing for, David against. For those who either want to skip over or skip to this segment, this occurred from about the 20 minute mark to the 50 minute mark.

Monday night is livestream night. Join David Hiscox and Matty’s Modern Life as they discuss the politics of the week at 9:00 pm AEDT. You will find us at Matty Rose Live.