Opposing infanticide makes you a nazi in Victoria


On Saturday October 12 the March for the Babies was held in Melbourne to oppose Victoria’s horrific abortion laws, which allow an abortion right up to the moment of birth. At 4000 strong the rally was well attended, and included activists, elected officials, independent media and ordinary Aussies and assorted foreigners in their number.

Matty’s Modern Life has compiled an excellent vlog recording the event, which includes footage, interviews and his own thoughts.

What we have to consider is that anybody who expresses an opinion in public which goes against the globalist left orthodoxy, and who is not an elected member of the fake conservative Liberal or National Parties, is automatically deemed “far-right” by the globalist media. It is in this context that we must read the following piece.

From the Herald Sun:

Far-right extremists have joined Liberal MP Bernie Finn at his annual pro-life march to push changes to Victoria’s abortion laws.

Sounds scary. Who could they be?

Mr Finn, the president of March for the Babies, led the rally through the city last Saturday, which was also reportedly attended by Liberal colleague Neil Angus.

Members of the male-only far-right “Proud Boys” were seen at the rally, with a post on the group’s website describing a confrontation after the march with a counter-protester at a CBD bar.

This is very silly. I have met a few of the The Proud Boys and they are a good bunch of blokes but they are not far right. The Proud Boys formed in order to provide some protective muscle for conservative activists after it became clear that police inWestern countries had no interest in protecting little old ladies from being bashed by communist thugs.

Furthermore, they have made it very clear that they are not ethnic nationalists. From what I can see they are a collection of conservatism, libertarianism and civic nationalism. The fact that they still get labelled “far-right” by a supposedly conservative rag should signal to them that they should take the rest of their red pills. Civic nationalism is multiculturalism draped in an Australian flag, thus civic nationalism is white genocide draped in an Australian flag. The Proud Boys want to defend Western culture but miss the crucial point that culture is race. Western culture would not exist without Europeans, and it will not survive our extinction.

Also, an ethnostate with zero immigration, Christianity as the state religion and a ban on usury is an objectively good thing.


Mr Finn told the crowd that Victoria “still has the worst, most extreme abortion law in Australia and one of the worst in the world”.

He’s right.

He also gave an interview at the rally to Dia Beltran, who runs a far-right YouTube channel which has featured notorious extremists Neil Erikson and Blair Cottrell, and who reportedly attended a Liberal fundraiser recently.

Health Minister Jenny Mikakos called on the Liberal Party to condemn extremists “instead of walking in lock-step” with them.

“This is just more of the same from the leaderless Victorian Liberal Party — and shows once again they are being infiltrated by elements of the far-right,” she said.

Mr Finn said he knew “precisely nothing about the Proud Boys”, and that Ms Beltran had introduced herself on Saturday as a blogger and had asked for the interview.

Dia? Dia is a civic nationalist too. Come over to the dark side, Dia. It’s fun here.

Asked if any far-right extremists had attended, he told the Herald Sun: “I don’t know anybody who fits that description to tell you the truth.”

Other attendees reportedly included far-right activist Avi Yemini…

…and Kathy Clubb, a mother of 13 children who launched a failed challenge to laws that ban protesters harassing patients outside abortion clinics.

Respect, Kathy.

The crowd also heard from New South Wales Liberal MP Nathaniel Smith, who recently said he was “disgusted” at changes to abortion laws in his home state.

Reason Party leader Fiona Patten, who attended a rival pro-choice rally on Saturday, also questioned Mr Finn’s “disturbing embrace of the far-right and their ideas”.

But Mr Finn said: “I’m not aware of any undesirable elements turning up at all, apart from Fiona Patten.”

He could have also pointed out that Fiona Patten is a disgusting whore, but I am starting to like this Bernie Finn. Credit where it is due to Dia and the Proud Boys too, they are getting out there, they are good Christians and they oppose the left. I am sure the internal debates will continue long and hard.