BHP gets on the population replacement bandwagon


The fit young men of British and European stock have been demonstrating this weekend why we are the master race. Whether it is Joel Selwood doing his best impersonation of a Roman Legionary, or a South African cricket import batting on after nearly getting his arm broken by the token English dindu, our people are capable of greatness even when we’re just goofing off. The redpilled rightly rue their misplaced passion, but you gotta admit it’s pretty special.


Another characteristic about our footballers and cricketers both amateur and professional, is that many of them are tradies. In Australia, tradies have been handsomely rewarded thanks to Australia’s perennially strong building sector. The building industry however has been kept artificially strong by government designed mass immigration.

Thus our fittest young men, the sort who, when we really need them, would be the ones to sacrifice their lives so that their countrymen may live, are building the houses and apartments of the people who will replace us.

It’s not just your humble white supremacist conspiracy theorist XYZ editor who notices. BHP notices too, and they are openly boasting about it:

Here are some snippets of dialogue from their ad campaign Think Big:

“The world continues to grow, and with that growth, comes a whole new set of challenges. To big thinkers, challenges become opportunities, and ways to move the world sustainably forward. Every day, nearly 200,000 people move to cities around the world, and for cities to grow they need steel.”

You can’t stop the winds of change white man. Hundreds of thousands of immigrants moving to your once white city is perfectly normal and has nothing to do with the fact that your government is deliberately running an immigration ponzi scheme. It just happens naturally, all around the world. The whole world is diverse. Stop noticing and shut up.

“Steel to help building schools, hospitals, bridges and transport. So the men and women at BHP provide the resources needed to create the world’s steel. Because when we help the world’s cities grow, we’re helping communities and nations grow too.”

Keep in mind what I said about building the homes of the people who will replace us.

“When we think big, we think of the future and the generations to come. After all, we’re here for the long haul. And that’s why we’ll continue to find new ways to help build a sustainable world.”

Juxtaposed with an Asian kid frolicking happily at the beach with imperial walker sized electric wind generators in the background.

“A world that continues to grow and build better lives for more people. A world that builds opportunities for everyone.”

The final shot is of that little Asian girl. She is the face of the campaign.

When BHP talks about building opportunities for everyone, she is everyone. They wouldn’t dare finish with the face of a straight white man because screw the straight white man.

The ad’s dialogue would be great if it featured real Australians. But there is just so much diversity in this ad.




It’s like they found every female engineer of colour in Australia and packed them into the one ad. Diversity is a codeword for white genocide.

Let’s compare this to a BHP ad from 1984:

God I miss the ethnostate.

The message of the BHP ad in the current year is obvious. The future of Australia is Asian, (hell, it’s Asian now) and BHP isn’t simply on the bandwagon. BHP is the bandwagon. Mass immigration suits BHP because, like they said, it means growing cities which need steel which means more money for BHP. The company pretended to identify as “The Big Australian” when it suited them back in the 80’s and they tailored their advertising accordingly. But BHP and its globohomo corporate ilk have played a key role in encouraging mass immigration into Australia for their own economic benefit, and now that Australia is being demographically transformed, BHP tailors its advertising to stay relevant to the multicultural Australia which it helped to create.

The Big Australian is The Big Traitor.