Quote of the Day: Fat Hairy Lesbians

Former Victorian Greens leader, Greg Barber.

Everybody knows that socialist political parties are full of hypocritical psychopaths interested only in increasing their own power and satisfying their perverted whims.

Photo by veni markovski

The history of the parties which devolved into the current day Socialist Alliance is, for example, rather sordid.

And it is no surprise that the Greens are right up there too:

Former Victorian Greens leader, Greg Barber.

Many aspersions have been cast on Greens members of the ‘fairer’ sex. It appears that in this regard the hapless former leader of the Victorian Greens, Greg Barber, has been caught mentioning some hatefacts:

“The Australian Greens party is facing more claims of sexism, with a former state leader accused of referring to women in the workplace as “fat, hairy lesbians“, “power pussies” and “hairy-legged feminists”.”

Those were his words, not ours.

It’s your XYZ.