Wang Show 0023 – TQ#2: I Fucking Love Wang Show


Sometimes you would love to be a fly on the wall when Vic records the Wang Show, just to see how close to ROFL-ing he gets. One gets the strong impression that Vic and special guest Mountain Man suppressed quite a few giggles as they expatiated on the synergies in science and engineering which have come together, apparently, to produce the Arlen Model 1 Service Droid.

This early model sexbot, although it requires its owner to provide clothing to cover the machinery and to use a fair bit of imagination, can operate at a punishing 120 RPM and provides “toe curling suction”. Just wait until they switch it on..

Thus the first hour of this Wang episode is the usual entertaining romp. In the last 15 minutes the conversation takes a serious turn, in order to discuss the ethical implications of such inventions, and their wider meaning for society. For as Vic puts it, “The Japs, they’ll sell you a penis swallowing cyborg, but after that, it’s up to you.”

The media, which supposedly informs our moral choices, doesn’t do much better, sending us the message on a daily basis that “there is no objective moral standard.” For this we have to thank an alliance between the rich globalist elite and the globalist left – the globalist left get money and the globalist elite get cover.

The rest of us get screwed.

Finally, IFLS still sucks.
