I’ll Start Using Your Preferred Pronouns When You Start Using Mine


Ok, I get it. The mentally ill want to be referred to as their preferred gender pronouns. Quite an extensive list last time I checked. I totally get it. When you’re part of one of the most economically and politically powerful special interest groups in the world, you’re going to do whatever it takes to retain victim status, right? Everyone wants to get ahead. Or at least get a pass. Why blame poor life choices for your place in the scheme of things when you can blame somebody else?

So in the spirit of that, if they want me to swallow all this bulls—, if the most offensive thing I can do to them is call what seems to be a tattooed lesbian ‘she’ instead of ‘ze’, then I submit this to them: “Have you ever stopped, even just for a second, to consider how it feels for millions of us to be referred to as ‘All of the White People’, the Patriarchy, Racist, Homophobic, or Alt-Right, twenty-four hours a day, 365 days a year for the past two decades en masse, all with our own nuances and values, for no particular reason other than stereotyping?”

I’ll make them this promise. If I can go a solid month without seeing an article about ‘old white men’ running everything, how I’m racist by virtue of skin tone, how I need to die because I’m male, how I’m a homophobe for taking issue with Safe Schools, how I’m Alt-Right because I don’t buy into the Trump Hitler mythology. If I can go a full month without being triggered by any of these or other offensive and inaccurate slurs, then maybe, just maybe, I’ll be able to keep a straight face and play along with this charade.

Until then, we play by the rules the Regressive Left have established, where apparently no respect or civility is given to those who identify differently to you people. The ball is in your court.

It’s your XYZ.

Photo by classic film scans

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Eh?nonymous was a thoroughly repellent unemployed social justice warrior until a one in a million glitch in his Facebook account affected the algorithms in his news feed, omitting posts from his much loved left leaning Huffington Post and I F---ing Love Science, and inexplicably replacing them with centrist and conservative newsfeed items that slowly dragged him kicking and screaming into the light beyond the safe space that Mr. Zuckerberg had so carefully constructed for him. It’s a long road to recovery, but every Mark Steyn share he sees in his newsfeed is like another day clean from social justice addiction.