Leftism Goes to the Dogs


Well, it’s official. To quote Robert Downey Jr. in Tropic Thunder, the New York Times has finally gone ‘full retard’. Times Journalist Matt Flegenheimer (who probably believes that level-headed Europeans are ‘cray-cray’ to think that opening the floodgates to literally millions of young men of fighting age, and dubious heritage, might affect their quality of life) has written an alarmist piece about how a Trump Presidency might upset the sensibilities of well-heeled gentrified left-leaning Manhattanites, whom I think we can all agree well and truly deserve to have their sensibilities upset.

imageThe article reads like satire. It isn’t. It trots out the kind of progressive caricatures that XYZ’s Ryan Fletcher might conceive, but these cartoon Champagne Socialists are real, of flesh, and being taken seriously by a Times writer who, like Fox Mulder, wants to believe.

Of course, the article is filled with the usual tired progressive clichés. Like threats to leave the country, which is always more a symptom of self-loathing than self-preservation. Which is why you never hear this threat from centrists, conservatives, or libertarians.

A few Klan members threatened to leave when Obama took office, which says more about the similarities between people who are genuinely like Hitler (or at least admire him) and Social Justice Warriors than progressives will ever care to admit. At the end of the day, socialism and national socialism tend to attract the same thoroughly repellent people with just a degree or two of separation.

I’ve come to the conclusion that their obsession with labelling everyone they don’t agree with as the figurehead of a potential Fourth Reich comes from a subconscious sense of familiarity. Perhaps these people doth protest too much. Compare vintage footage of Adolph Hitler ranting and raving to contemporary footage of Trigglypuff ranting and raving. The resemblance is truly uncanny. All that she’s missing is the Chaplin moustache, which could still happen if she is starved of attention to such an extent that she is forced to transition:

These people are a lot like the Doomsday cultists who keep amending the date of Armageddon, as each Republican takes office and they learn to their despair that the Sun is still rising every morning and the birds are still singing. An attitude of ‘ok, so our projections were a little off last time…but we promise that this next candidate will totally be Hitler’ usually prevails among these types.

It’s a variation on the caveat they use when their apocalyptic climate change predictions don’t quite pan out. ‘Ok, so the dams aren’t empty in five years as we projected. But just wait… in ten years Manhattan will be underwater!’ Many of the prophesies from Tim Flannery’s Climate Commission were often indistinguishable from the prophesies of the Heaven’s Gate cult.

But the best part of the article for XYZ readers in need of a good belly laugh is surely this dead serious revelation that man’s best friend is apparently a concerned and active participant in this election cycle:

In Washington Square Park in Manhattan, among smitten college students and acoustic guitars, Guillermo Vidal, 75, grimaced at the thought of a Trump presidency. His friend’s bichon frisé-poodle mix, Dipsy, sat on the bench beside him, looking fretful. Mr. Vidal was asked what was troubling Dipsy.

“She’s a Democrat,” Mr. Vidal said dryly.

It sounds like XYZ satire. It really does. But a Times reporter with a flair for the dramatic just implied that animals are interested in the political process and are concerned by the ramifications of a Trump Presidency. This would usually be a journalistic trope of course, but we get the impression that Mr. Vidal and journalist Matt Flegenheimer genuinely believe in their hearts that every dog, every cat, every organism, should in their hearts be afraid of Hillary Clinton losing the election.

Mainstream media scoffs at ‘ridiculous’ notions like protected borders and concerns over globalisation, yet expect us to believe that a cartoon frog is behind the decline of Western Civilisation, and a poodle cross named Dipsy lies awake at night quivering in fear over who runs the Oval Office. This all goes to show what many of us have known for some time, and many more are waking up to:

Leftism, and the mainstream media they monopolise, have well and truly gone to the dogs