Waleed and the True Muslim Minority


By Tas Man

Waleed Aly. Moderate Islam’s poster child. He’s intelligent, he’s cool (he plays guitar in a band don’t you know?), he can even be funny, if not in that showy, arrogant sort of way. He’s the perfect face for Islam in Australia. After all he doesn’t, as far as we know, hold some of the uglier beliefs of Islam. He’s never tossed a gay off a roof, he hasn’t beheaded a non-believer and he isn’t married to a 9-year-old girl. It’s only a tiny percentage of Muslims who would do that, right? And Christians are just as bad really; how dare they politely refuse to bake a gay wedding cake! They’re the real problem! No, Waleed Aly is an outstanding citizen, an example for all of us, Muslim and kafir alike. All he wants is for everyone to get along and forgive each other! What’s wrong with that!? Bigots!!

When I heard that Charlie Pickering was leaving Channel Ten’s The Project back in 2014, I never dreamed he could possibly be replaced with someone equally as pretentious and annoying. Since his arrival on the show, Aly has been showing Australians just how cool and progressive a Muslim can be. He’s all for gay marriage, he’s really concerned about climate change and he’s making a stand against all those racist bigots! He has also become the mouthpiece for Islam in Australia, expressing the concerns of the Muslim community and commenting on Islamic issues. So naturally, when Islamic terrorism strikes the West, Australians look to Aly for some answers.

His message in such times of terror is typical lefty tripe, usually along the lines of “Why can’t we just love each other?” or “Maybe if we all hold hands and close our eyes we can wish the jihadis away!” Thanks Waleed, any magic beans you want to sell us too? But what irks me more is when he twists and contorts these horrific events into an opportunity to lecture the Australian people about Islamophobia.

After the Islamic terror attack in Nice, based Sonia Kruger on the Today Show expressed the widely held and perfectly reasonable opinion that we must put an end to Muslim migration until the problem of radical Islam is solved.

7991811454_08f439b4ed_muslim-australiaShe used facts, citing Andrew Bolt’s article that speculated that there’s a correlation between the percentage of Muslims in a country and the likelihood of terrorist attacks, and she did so in a calm and respectful way. Still, Aly described her remarks as ‘destructive’. But there is no reasonable way to share that opinion with the regressive left. You either accept their narrative that all Muslims are wonderful people and have nothing to do with terrorism, or you’ll be greeted with a frenzy of mindless hate as Sonia was.

Of course, I was completely unsurprised when Aly began to spin the story of the Nice attack and Sonia Kruger into a conversation about Islamophobia. It’s what he and other Muslim leaders usually do after a major Islamic terrorist attack in the West.

The way he slides around the atrocities committed in the name of his religion in order to play the victim is so slimy.

“If you could all just ignore the growing pile of corpses over there. Ignore the dead children, the mothers and fathers, the Jews, the Christians, the atheists. Look over there. No, beyond the mound of butchered gays. Yes there! There’s the real problem. That poor Muslim feels unsafe! In 2016!”

It’s disgusting.

And as always we are reminded after each attack that this is just a tiny Muslim minority. “It’s only 0.000001% of Muslims that are extremists. The rest are exactly like that Muslim guy on The Project. Islam is a religion of peace! Christians are bad for some reason!”

We instinctively know what statistics confirm, that the tiny Muslim minority of extremists is a myth. At the very least there is a large minority and the rest are complicit. We’ve seen the result of mass migration of the supposed peaceful majority of Muslims. Look at France, Germany and the UK. All were once beacons of Western Civilisation, but now they’ve been brought to their knees. We can’t let this happen to Australia, we can’t let people like Aly overtake the truth with the left’s narrative.

The truth is, there is a tiny Muslim minority. It’s a minority of well educated, middle class, westernised Muslims. The type of Muslims that don’t take their faith too seriously and haven’t really studied the Koran. More cultural Muslims, in the same way some people are cultural Catholics. It’s this minority that the left like to trot up onto our TV screens in order to prop up their false narrative.

I wish that Aly was a true representation for the Muslim majority; I wish I could pretend, like the left, that there is no connection between terrorism and Islam. But the bodies keep piling up, and even with your head in the sand, eventually you’ll begin to taste blood.

Photo by *Jezza