Leftist Language Part One – Racism


By Darryl

6640681943_6ce7371fd7_GolliwogIt is fair to say that the modern left, at least to date, generally appreciate the power of language and its manipulation to an extent that puts conservatives to shame. That they have succeeded so well at this and continue to do so without being called out is a cause for concern. One of the most successful of these manipulations of language, arguably even the most successful, has been in use of the word “racism.” The following extract is from the definition of racism at Oxford Dictionaries:

Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior: (E.g.) ‘a programme to combat racism.’

To be labelled a racist in the traditional sense carries all sorts of pejorative implications, which may include but are not limited to bigotry, ignorance, irrationality, immorality and lack of education. Racism has long been discredited, and carries an odium amongst reasonable people. There is no need for rational discussion or argument with a racist. Racist views can and should be dismissed out of hand. It follows that if you successfully label someone and/or their views as racist, both they and their views are tainted with all of the negatives that go with that term. Including, most importantly, the lack of any rational basis for the “racist” view and the corresponding lack of any need for rational argument against it. So, the effect of successfully labelling someone and/or their views as racist is to discredit that person and to stifle any debate or discussion on the views concerned.

Within the context of the definition above there is an excellent argument that this is justified. But the Left long ago abandoned the Oxford Dictionary definition of racism, and replaced it with what can best be described as an unholy combination of cultural and moral relativism. There is a good, if superficial, treatment of both of these concepts on Wikipedia, and I do not propose to discuss them in detail here. Suffice it to say that some schools of moral relativism hold that there is no objective measure of moral right or wrong. One should not therefore regard their own or their culture’s moral principles as being superior to others, and should tolerate moral principles of others which are very different and even abhorrent.

The Left now deems one a racist for criticising moral aspects arising from a particular culture, including a religious culture. To use an example: say a culture or religion advocates the practice of female circumcision, or the marriage of 12-year-old girls to much older men. These cultural or religious practices, though they may or may not be associated with a particular racial group, are not indicative of a person’s race, but of their culture or religion. To criticise such practices is not, in any sense, racist, in the Oxford Dictionary definition of the term. The Left could quite easily have adopted a more appropriate word or words, say, culturalism or even cultural discrimination, rather than using a word which clearly did not, does not and should not apply. But of course, such words lack the sheer odium and discussion-ending potential of “racism”. By deliberately and incorrectly using “racism” in this way, the left have been able to appropriate that odium in a context to which it should not apply, to stifle debate and smear their opponents.

Despite my abhorrence of this strategy and my bewilderment as to how it has worked so well, I must confess to a grudging admiration for those who conceived of this tactic and were able to implement it so well. Was it a deliberate strategy or did it just happen? Either way, it has worked brilliantly. Unfortunately, not only to the great detriment of conservatives, but also to the great detriment of society as a whole.

As Conservatives, it is incumbent upon us to reclaim the proper use and meaning of this word. When it is misused in this way we must point it out, loudly. We must make it clear that we are not racists in the proper sense of the word, but are proud racists under the left’s ridiculous definition. If opposing female circumcision, the marriage of 12-year-olds, Sharia Law, entrenched discrimination against women, support for theocratic government, suppression of free speech and the like makes us racists, the term should be viewed as a badge of honour and worn with pride.

Unfortunately racism is not the only instance of the Left’s success in manipulating the language. If I do post again on this topic it will likely be on one of my new favourites: “marriage equality”.

Photo by DefinitelyMotoring