

Dr Ikbin Depp


3916201_c52e064396_Shopping-mall-munichWhat a difference a year makes.

This time last year, I was driving my car across the border to pick up as many refugees as I could find.

I drove them back to Munich and we were awash in a feel good factor. It was great.

Now, as I walk through my local shopping mall in Munich, I can assure my fellow shoppers of the following:

The science is settled. There is a 97% consensus amongst progressives that there is no correlation between Islamic migration and terror attacks.

In fact, the science shows that at current rates of Islamic migration, there will be no terror in the West by 2020, and no terror globally by 2100.

We have the media to thank, the politicans to thank, the Imams to thank, Waleed Aly to thank, Twitter and Facebook to thank, the ABC to thank. All those who shout down racists – thank you.

Without you, this would not be possible.

Now, who would like to learn more about submission with me? It’s going to be bigger than Pokemon Go. Trust me, your life may depend on it.

Photo by dustpuppy