Brexit contradicts PC media echo chamber

Who would have thought..

Social media and public discourse in the last few days is full of ranting disbelief. We have to seriously consider that Facebook and the progressive media are largely an echo chamber of politically correct speech. This is why the Facebook mood, (real or manipulated by Zuckerberg and his cronies,) is not reflective of the vote. This is why reality will increasingly diverge from social media’s version of reality.

Brexit was probably a vote against political correctness. The EU embodies this zeitgeist:

You may not say that, because – political correctness.

This is the illogical perversion of social media and the progressive anti-Enlightenment.

Social media has cowered most people from saying openly what they feel and think if it does not fit the PC narrative, all in the name of political correctness.

These people are sick of being labeled racist, sexist, fascist, misogynistic white capitalists – and are patiently waiting for global warming and lower taxes.

When the people must publicly self-censor, is it any surprise that in the privacy of a voting booth, they can excercise their democratic freedom?

The left loathe democracy. They crave autocracy. They silence in the name of free speech. And they are losing their s—, struggling to understand why the real world is not the social media echo chamber.

Photo by Euro Realist Newsletter