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Conservatism: It’s all about the Money

From Patriotic Alternative. James Eden Many will be familiar with the phrase “the uncanny valley”. It was coined in the 1970s by Japanese professor Masahiro Mori...

Bugger Off Boris

Boris Johnson has resigned as leader of the Conservative Party but will continue to serve as Prime Minister until his successor is named. Watch his...

The Uncuckables Ep. 46 Bad Coronas

Bad people and their thoughts such as Margaret Court and Israel Folau, and being racist about the coronavirus are currently the greatest plagues to...

Big companies hate innovation but they love regulation

John Wilder has up an excellent piece on why recessions are good for the economy. "I’ve shared this opinion before: recessions are good for the...

The Brexit Election and the March of Nationalism

You can't stop us. You can deplatform us, put our names on lists, misdirect us with silly ideas and gatekeepers, use lawfare against us,...

The Uncuckables Ep. 39: Modern Life, Speech and Art

Tim Boyanton from Fraser Anning's Conservative National Party joined The Uncuckables team last night to discuss the activities of residents in the seat of...

The Uncuckables Ep. 36: Firestorm

The power team of David Hiscox, Tim Wilms and Richard Woolstencroft discussed the following topics: Australian bushfires. Degeneracy and miscegenation pushed in commercials and...

Scotland reveals the lie at the heart of civic nationalism

The three year shenanigans surrounding Brexit continue apace as the UK heads to a general election in December. The Tories remain smugly confident but...

Great Britain to hold election: Effectively a second Brexit referendum

I had been hoping that Boris Johnson and Queen Elizabeth would personally lead a long column of tanks, ahead of hundreds of thousands of...

The Uncuckables Ep. 32: MaleMen

Last night we focused on the continuing clownworld attacks on the natural order and masculinity: Stepmother steals 7 year old boy off Dad via...