The Defeat of Terrorism and the Kingdom of God



It is well know to many XYZ readers that I am a committed Christian. I generally try and keep sermonizing out of my articles, however, this particular piece is written specifically from my point of view as a committed and active follower of Christ.

At the XYZ we share a range of views and opinions on religion, philosophy and politics. We claim the right of freedom of speech and encourage open and rigorous debate about important issues.


Christians in the Middle East continue to be slaughtered and displaced in alarming and escalating numbers.

We grieve knowing that despite the heightened threats to Christians precisely because of their faith, nations and refugee agencies continue to ignore and abandon them, often in favour of Muslim refugees.

While many have celebrated Pope Francis’ recent gesture to bring 3 Syrian families to Italy for asylum, we cannot fail to overlook that of the families ‘adopted’ by the Pope, none are Christian.

It is immensely challenging to us as Christians, to live in the face of such intense evil that which we presently see. We can feel torn and conflicted when we consider that Our Lord commands us to love our enemies – and that we should do! But loving our enemies does not mean that we cease to love our brothers and sisters, or the stranger in need. Nor does it mean that we stand idle and complicit – to stand unmoved and to allow evil and violence to be committed against men, women and children. Our faith calls us to be generous, to defend the weak, to give of ourselves, not counting the cost.e834b6082bf6063ecd0b470de7444e90fe76e6d318b2114696f3c0_640_reign-of-christ

As Christians we are called to live this way – it feels in many respects, like a moral tightrope walk. We are called to love and forgive those who do not deserve love or forgiveness. Yet we must act, and at times with force against the principalities of evil. We now live in one of those times.

But rest assured. Wars, violence and persecutions will not overcome us and neither our brothers and sister who are suffering and dying. Even our own failings and fears will not pull asunder. Christians take heart that Christ’s great victory over evil, sin and death was won on the Cross 2,000 years ago. And those who are suffering or have been killed have been embraced and abide in the victory of the Cross. The battle has already been decisively won, and all that is left is the mopping up.

The Kingdom of God is breaking into this world. There is no man or Christian who can instigate God’s reign. Nor is there army, terrorist, demagogue or anti-Christ who can stop it from conquering the world.

IT HAS HAPPENED. And God’s Kingdom will come and take possession of the earth and all flesh, as it is in heaven.

This article was originally published on 21 April 2016 in the Facebook Group, “End the Eradication of Christians in the Middle East!”

Photo by Sean MacEntee