More Than Half of Muslims Want Homosexuality Outlawed, One Third Will Not Report Terrorism: Poll

Islamic domination our greatest enemy

*More “Than” Half… (ed)

A recent poll carried out in Britain has revealed some disturbing (but not particularly surprising) findings from the nation’s Islamic community.

The research carried out by ICM found that 52 percent of British Muslims think homosexuality should be outlawed.

Perhaps more disturbing, more than one third (34 percent) admitted that they would not alert police if someone they knew was getting involved with, or supporting terrorism.

Furthermore, nearly one quarter (23 percent) stated they would support the introduction of Sharia law in certain places.

The recent research carried out by ICM confirms the previous alarming findings revealed by Pew Research a number of years ago which showed the strong support for militant Islam and Sharia law within Islamic communities.

Survey after survey, the pressing issue remains:

We need to take the issue of Islamism seriously and face the fact – we have a very serious problem which needs to be addressed at every political and social level.

So why are we not taking the views of a significant proportion of the Muslim community seriously, particularly when the views expressed are so hostile to the culture and law of Western nations?

Simple – because the conversation we need to have is simply not allowed. And anyone who attempts to raise and discuss this very real and alarming issue of Islamism is slandered, silenced and branded an ‘Islamaphobe.’

Poll: Half Of Muslims Want Homosexuality Banned