Melbourne to build world’s first space elevator


In response to a proposal to build a skywalk and zipline above the MCG, Jeff Kennett has encouraged Melbournians to think even bigger. The planned additions to the MCG would provide spectacular views of the hallowed ground and the Melbourne skyline, and it has been promised $650 000 of federal funding, but this is small-fry compared to the legendary former Victorian Premier’s plan.

58239815_3420d134ed_Space-elevatorHe has put forward a plan to build the world’s first space elevator in Melbourne. For those unfamiliar with the concept, it is an idea popularised by science fiction writer Arthur C Clarke. In essence, you construct a building so high that it reaches into outer space. Rather than having to blast ships into orbit by rocket in order to escape the Earth’s gravity, you can place material, machines, and men into a giant elevator and transport them into orbit at a fraction of the cost. The top of the building can serve as an unsinkable space station, from which spaceships can launch into the rest of the solar system. The material required to be able to build such a structure in still in development, but it is just this kind of forward thinking for which Mr Kennett is known.

As well as finally allowing Melbourne to eclipse Sydney in its claim to a truly iconic monument, it is expected that the space elevator will provide spectacular views of the MCG, the Melbourne skyline, Australia, and the entire Southern hemisphere. Residents of North Fitzroy have already planted herb gardens down St George’s Road in protest against the new development, and Elon Musk has taken to twitter claiming that Space X has already built one. The unique design of the building calls for four pillars to serve as “roots”, and it is believed that demolition work will begin shortly on the H shaped Arts building, The Union building, and the jointly hideous Baillieu Library and Wilson Hall at Melbourne University to make way for the foundations.

It’s your XYZ.

Photo by FlyingSinger