XYZ Viewer Polls: The Koran, Turtles, and Donald Duck.


imageThe results of several XYZ Viewer Polls are in, and as usual, the results are revealing.

The XYZ has gone to great lengths to differentiate between the ideology of islam and the muslims who are the chief victims of the ideology, and it would appear that so do our viewers. In response to the question, “How do you view the Koran and the people who follow it?” 266 respondents (54%) chose the option “Most Muslims are good people in spite of the Koran’s teachings and Islamic indoctrination they are the victims of.”

Far fewer people answered the much less important question:

“How much do you care that one government minister called a journo a “crazy f—ing witch,” while a (recently) former minister told his staffer she had “piercing eyes”?

Refreshingly, 35% of respondents care “Less than zero,” and 41% care so little about the latest example of gross oversensitivity in Australia’s media that they chose the booby answer “I like turtles.”

As usual, the URL’s of the respondents who chose the wrong answer have been sent to the AFL and put on the watchlist for Problematic Independent Thinking.

All this brings us to The XYZ’s latest Viewer Poll:

Sorry, there are no polls available at the moment.