Hands off Homosexual Rhodes


Clementine Aly, our token Muslim lesbian feminist activist, is The XYZ’s loose cannon. Ze is here to give you a window into the views and mindsets present (and sometimes prevalent) among our lefty elitist friends.

Please be respectful of Aly’s madness, (no laughing at or bedrudging her views please) as we all had to promise that XYZ would offer a ‘safe space’ for her language (i.e. she can swear like a sailor, but we can’t say the words “white” or “male” in the office anymore) and made us sign non-microagression contracts before she would even step in the door.

While Aly herself will confidently tell you that her views are sound and OBVIOUSLY Correct (after all she even checked with her continental Feminist philosophy lecturer), it is our hope that her articles will help our readers to see the inconsistencies and emotivism so prevalent among those of her ilk.


16481463023_0b82f27411_Cecil-rhodes-statueThe dark spectre of George W Bush’s America, and what dark days they were, has arisen in the form of a virulent campaign against a man who was years ahead of his time. Cecil Rhodes was one of the bravest individuals of the 19th century, rising above the Victorian bigotry against what was once seen as the “French Disease” of homosexuality, to become one of the most influential figures in an otherwise tyrannical British Empire.

That a great human who did so much to further the cause of minorities, in this case, much of the continent of Africa, can be attacked as a gay racist, rather than a racist gay, (know the difference, motherfuckers!) is a testament to the renewed bigotry which is tormenting our world now that notorious fuckwit Donald Trump is whipping up the uneducated masses of America to a near genocidal crescendo against evey minority he can identify.

Clearly, if Rhodes did say something racist, it was as a result of his unhealthy predicament of being forced by his society to deny the way he was born. To the cunts who want to take down his statue, I say back the fuck off!

Source: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/bbc-unveils-a-victorian-hero-a-money-mad-racist-closet-gay-1330823.html

Clementine Aly.

Photo by tony4carr

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Clementine Aly
Clementine Aly, our token Muslim lesbian feminist activist, is The XYZ's loose cannon. Ze is here to give you a window into the views and mindsets present (and sometimes prevalent) among our lefty elitist friends. Please be respectful of Aly's madness, (no laughing at or bedrudging her views please) as we all had to promise that XYZ would offer a 'safe space' for her language (i.e. she can swear like a sailor, but we can't say the words "white" or "male" in the office anymore) and made us sign non-microagression contracts before she would even step in the door. While Aly herself will confidently tell you that her views are sound and OBVIOUSLY Correct (after all she even checked with her continental Feminist philosophy lecturer), it is our hope that her articles will help our readers to see the inconsistencies and emotivism so prevalent among those of her ilk.